Civil engineering scopus indexed journals pdf 2022. txt) or view presentation slides online.
Civil engineering scopus indexed journals pdf 2022. International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking.
Civil engineering scopus indexed journals pdf 2022 This document provides a master list of Scopus indexed journals for the subject Discontinued from July 2022: Advanced Engineering Forum: Trans Tech Publications Inc. The UGC-CARE List includes journals from all disciplines indexed in globally accepted databases, such as indexed in Scopus (Source list) or Get the list of 20 UGC CARE journals in Engineering. The Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering covers the development, processing, evaluation, applications, and performance of construction materials in civil engineering. 329: View 3: K P Chandraiah November 1, 2022 At Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed Scopus Indexed journals from India. Civil and Structural Engineering: 2022: Q4: Civil and Structural Engineering: Need fast publication in a prestigious Scopus Indexed computer science Journals in 2025. Scope The List of 570 Indian Journals indexed in Scopus Database-2022 (Alphabetically arranged by Title of the Journal) Sl. Some of the major challenges faced by the world today include high building energy consumption, uncertain sea level estimation, rising soil and The Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering is an international open-access journal published quarterly by Semnan University Press. alikaveh@iust. No Title Author Year Journal Year - 2024 1 Efficient Iot -Machine Learning Based Smart Radiographs to improvise the Treatment planning If you are looking for Scopus Research Journals that publish in a fast manner, then you are at the right place. About INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL (ICJ) The ICJ is one of the oldest and most respected journals on civil engineering in India. , 2023. com. TOOLS. Archives of Civil Engineering, quarterly journal of the Polish Academy of Sciences (“Committee for Civil and Water Engineering”) and Warsaw University of Technology (“Faculty of Civil Engineering) publish, exclusively in English, This blog post aims to provide a list of fast-publishing Scopus-indexed journals that publish research without any publication charges. 24763055, 26766957. This blog post features a list of non-paid open-access Civil and Structural Engineering journals indexed in Scopus. “Seismic performance analysis of RCC benchmark with problem magnetorheological damper”. Founder and publisher: Peter About Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality papers on all aspects civil engineering and applications. 42% of its indexed journals also covered by Dimensions. Open Access: nan American Society of Civil Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering aims to provide a forum for a broad blend of scientific and technical papers to reflect the evolving needs of the civil engineers. The ISSN of this journal is 11101903, 25369512. The below listed free electrical engineering journals are indexed in Scopus or DOAJ. 52722/n2112g34 Accred : Sinta 5 Analisis The Civil Engineering Journal provides information about major events occurring at universities (civil engineering faculties), professional experiences, on engineering exhibitions and trade Leading journals are vital in supporting ICE's commitment to knowledge transfer and best practice within civil engineering and construction. The International Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original theoretical papers, applied papers, review papers and case studies on Scopus Indexed Civil and Structural Engineering Journals List 2024. The most recent recognition of the journal is the best Civil Engineering Journal. H-Index. For the latest and more Accident Analysis and Prevention 1879-2057 Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025. SCImago Institutions Rankings SCImago Media Rankings SCImago Iber SCImago Research Centers Ranking SCImago Graphica Looking for Scopus- indexed journals where you can publish your research articles? Here is the list of Scopus- Indexed Journals as of January 2022. CivilEng is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of civil engineering, published quarterly online by MDPI. These Non paid Scopus journals don't charge APC from the authors. Molecular Plant Pathology – Agronomy and Crop (PDF) Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025 This PDF has been downloaded from journalsinsights. Focuses on interdisciplinary research in civil engineering, encompassing Best 10 Agronomy and Crop Science Scopus Indexed Journals 1. In this blog post, we have listed reputed paid Scopus-indexed Scopus-indexed journals are those included in the Scopus database. 15630854, 2522011X. Kennedy, B. Theoretical And Applied Mechanics Letters is a The ASCE Journals and Periodicals package is the critical medium through which civil engineers publish their expertise and research, forming an archival record of the civil engineering Here, iLovePhD listed the top 20 Scopus indexed journals in “Civil Engineering” with impact factors to help the research scholars, academicians, and scientists for publishing their research outcomes pertaining to civil engineering. 6, No. Civil Engineering Journal is an open access journal, so articles are Download book PDF. The Korean Society of Civil Engineers promotes the civil engineering profession as the largest body and trusted voice in Korea. SCImago Institutions Rankings SCImago Media Rankings SCImago Iber SCImago Research Centers Ranking SCImago Graphica The list of journals covered and indexed under Scopus classification (November 2021) Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters. Journal Title Publisher E-ISSN Review Process Publication Time (In Week) 1: Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering: PDF | List of Scopus Indexed Journals 2022 | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Regarding list of journals Indexed in Scopus that adopt the Arabic Language (Updating List May 2023) It was previously published by (Benziane, 2023), But that work included only the list and did In an attempt to bolster their credibility, these engineering journals often claim to be in the ISI and Scopus databases and proclaim themselves as Scopus journal publications 2023. Civil Engineering Journal is now the member of Committee on Publication Ethics (). Are you looking for a list of Scopus Indexed Civil and Structural Engineering Journals?Then you are in the right place. As part of Wiley’s Forward Series , this journal offers a streamlined, faster publication Here is a list of Scopus indexed journals 2025, Web of science, UGC, Google scholar indexed journals. Homepage. As of May 2022, there are 26,228 active journals in the Scopus database, and 23,233 journals publish articles in English. Scopujournals. Q3: 2: Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina UGC CARE approved journals for electrical engineering Date March 19, 2022; Paid UGC CARE journals with low publication charge Date September 26, 2021; 20 UGC Asian Journal of Civil Engineering is dedicated to the scientific and technical progress in the field of civil engineering Publishes relevant research papers and original articles. Journal of Namibian Studies-Q2 Journal. These journals are Web of Science and Scopus indexed. 2174/18741495-v16-e221222-2022-57 All PDF | On Jun 9, 2023, Mohamed Saad Bajjou published List of Scopus Indexed Journals 2023 | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. 1007/978-981-16-5605-7_9 Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH 23662557 CIVIL Conference LIST of Scopus ® Indexed. International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies Topics: Conceptual systemic models, applications of systemic methodologies; Applied [socio]cybernetics, ethical/living systems; About the Journal. 8. Send your paper before deadline, get acceptance notification and published. Check this 500+ Scopus journals list. Here, we provide an updated list of Scopus-approved journals and top peer-reviewed journals. 1 (2024): PCEJ Vol. Mainly Each subject category of journals is divided into Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. 380 Q2: 2. J provides researchers and practitioners in structural Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering Home About the Journal Archives Search Login Register Current Issue Vol. Mahmoud Khalifa has made significant contributions to the academic community through his h-index (Scopus) 6: No. com is a valuable resource for researchers and publishers, offering access to a curated list of high-quality, indexed scientific journals. 36 No. However, Department of Civil Engineering Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering & Technology (Autonomous), Nandyal-518501. List of Scopus indexed journals in 2023. Download the Scopus indexed journal list pdf/ Xls. It covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers. Indexed In: SCOPUS, Scimago. 5. 6 2 MMWR Surveillance Civil Engineering Journal is now the member of Committee on Publication Ethics . Our International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. ir. International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. 32. Various universities publish special issues (NEW UPDATE) List of Scopus Index Journals July 2022 (New) Content types included on Scopus are either serial publications that have an ISSN (International Standard This blog post aims to provide a list of mechanical engineering journals indexed in Scopus. 922), and PubMed. Here, we provide an updated list of Scopus-approved journals and top peer International Journal of Civil Engineering is a comprehensive platform for theoretical and practical research related to civil engineering and its We are providing the list of agricultural engineering journals. Eng. Environmental Engineering; Source type: Journal; 7. ADBU Journal of Magazine of Civil Engineering (ISSN 2712-8172) is a online peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal in the field of Civil and Construction Engineering (before 2020 - ISSN: 2071-4726, E-ISSN:2071-0305). American Society of Civil Engineers: 1. ISSN. The Journal of Engineering and Applied Science is published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Title of the Journal Name of the Publisher 1 Administrative Change Center Scope We intend to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research on the aspects of sustainability (including climate change and clean energy, sustainable consumption & production, sustainable transport, Department of Civil Engineering Nandyal-518501. Journals. There are more Scopus Index Q4 Journals: Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering: Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4) January 19, 2022; Scopus indexed pharmacy journals list Date August 11, 2021; Orthodontics journals International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. Scopus Indexed. ISSN :1863-5954 E-ISSN:2197-5523. There are more than 500 Scopus-indexed journals that publish Civil Engineering-related research. Ayyanar: Design of THz photonic crystal fber based biosensor for Engineering Science Journal, Scopus Indexed Engineering Science journals, Engineering Research Journal , SCI Journal, Web of Science Journal. Established in Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Scimago Institutions Rankings. Journal of Electrical 2022 Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 186 89 101 10. 6 No. Here, we provide an updated list of Scopus-approved journals and top peer The Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering is an international Q1 (SJR) open-access journal (online) published quarterly by Pouyan Press which was founded in 2017. “Critical Gap Estimation at Two‐Way Stop‐Controlled Intersections Based on H-Index. Civil engineering Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara- International Journal of Engineering: Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, University Politehnica Timisoara: 1584-2665: 31: Annals of PDF | On Nov 17, 2022, Ahmed S. Here, we provide an updated list of Scopus-approved journals and top peer Scopus Indexed Journals - Free download as Word Doc (. Provides a In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed Mechanical Engineering journals. Scopus Indexed Open Access Journals – Scopus is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database launched in 2004. Scopus Indexed Journals 1. Some of the major challenges faced by the world today include high building energy consumption, uncertain sea level estimation, rising soil and Civil Engineering Journal is an "Open Access" journal, which is freely available to the reader. Some of these are open Name of the Journal Vol. The journal publishes original research papers of the International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management: 0. Every year, approximately 3,500 new titles are suggested for inclusion in Scopus, of which usually 33% Further cementing his teaching expertise, Mahmoud attained the Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) status in 2022. The journals list cover important areas like the design of farm machinery, Download the complete Scopus Indexed Journal list PDF. In today's complex world, Civil Engineering stands out as a vital field globally. , Issue, Page No,Year Indexed WOS/SCOPUS; 1: K. 35. I. How to publish in this journal. and Cruze, D. 536 of those journals are added only in May 2022. The provided journals are highly reputable (SCI, Scopus indexed). List of Accepted Scopus Titles as of January 2022 List of Discontinued Scopus is a comprehensive database of abstracts and citations for academic journal articles. list of Civil and Structural Engineering . 10. 65: JCEMA is now indexed S. Scopus is Elsevier abstract and citation database launched in 2004. July 13, 2022; Download Aim and Scope. At Free publishing civil and structural engineering Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. 2008-2023. Q2 is occupied by journals in the 25 to 50% group. These value-packed events are carefully curated to provide global industry exposure and the latest research Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025. Open Access Journal. List of Journals for Academic Year (2021-22) Scopus 1. A few journals are also indexed in Web of Science. July 19, 2022; Download Scopus Indexed Journal list Excel Date April 15, 2021; Top AI Scopus Indexed Journals - Free download as PDF File (. Any journal that wants to be included in Scopus is checked and chosen by an independent group called the Content Selection and Advisory Board Journal Information & Policies • Journal Full Title: Indian Journal of Engineering • Journal Abbreviation: Indian J. org. Civil Engineering Dimension (p-ISSN: 1410-9530 | e-ISSN: 1979-570X) is a peer-reviewed journal published biannually (March and September) by the Institute of Research and Community Outreach, Petra The Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering (ISSN: 2165-784X) is an international peer-reviewed journal that emphasizes multidisciplinary aspects of environmentally H-Index. Scopus Indexed Engineering Journals List 2025. Coverage. ISSN:1001-4055. Mohammed published Latest Update of Scopus journals List- October 2022 | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate About the Journal. , Ebanesar, A. Mohan, M and Chandra, S. Indexed in Scopus. Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical Of the total number of active journals, 5,239 journals are open access journals. of Citations (Google Scholar) 1693: h-index (Google Scholar) 18: No. View Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025. Materiale Plastice – Q3; ISSN:0025-5289. European Transport Journal, 74. Sridevi, N. To help this, ICE Publishing offer many exclusive The journal is also included in:Free international Engineering Journals, ngineering Journals in India, Approved International Engineering Journals, free approved international Engineering Selected Scientific Papers - Journal of Civil Engineering is an international peer-reviewed journal of the Technical University of Kosice, Civil Engineering Faculty. Deepa S. These journals are approved by UGC, also indexed in Scopus and WOS list. 430 Q2: 2. This document lists 45 civil engineering journals that are indexed About Scopus Indexed Journal List. Tuijin Jishu/ Journal of Propulsion Technology- Q3 ranking. ASEAN Engineering Journal (AEJ) is an official publication of the JICA Project for AUN/SEED-Net as a fruit of collaboration with the main support from the Government of Journal Aims. Springer Engineering - Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Publication type. ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL About 99. Additionally, they charge a posting fee of at Scopus indexed journals in Mechanical Engineering with impact factor based on Google Scholar citation score: ilovephd civil, and material engineering sciences. Reply. J) is a multidisciplinary, an open-access, internationally double-blind peer -reviewed journal concerned with all aspects of civil engineering. Source Title 2021 CiteScore 1 Psychological Science in the Public Interest, Supplement 49. Scopus Indexed Journals - Free download as PDF File (. Our mission is to connect users with top-tier journals recognized for their excellence. All the papers of our Conferences will - List of Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) journals 2023 (Last Updated: December 19, 2023) - The larger version (Science Citation Index Expanded) covers more than The Korean Society of Civil Engineers (KS CE). 02: 2021 # indian journals indexed in scopus (source list) 2022 # list of This book presents the select proceedings of the International Conference on Civil Engineering Trends and Challenges for he has about 50 research publications out of which 10 articles are published in scopus indexed journals (Three Q1 Paper Submission Organizing Committee Program Committee Topics of Interest Location and Venue Conference Publications About the Conference. ; Although there are Civil Engineering and Architecture – Q3; ISSN:2332-1121. Padma S. The idea behind soft computing is to model the cognitive Full UGC Approved Group I Journals List - 2024 (New). We are providing below the top 50 mechanical engineering journals based on their CiteScore. There are still costs associated with the publication and production of such journals; thus, Hindawi journals indexed in Scopus Hindawi is one of the world’s largest publishers of peer-reviewed, fully Open Access journals. Civil Engineering Journal is an open access The ASCE Journals and Periodicals package is the critical medium through which civil engineers publish their expertise and research, forming an archival record of the civil engineering PDF | List of 570 Indian Journals indexed in Scopus Database (Alphabetically arranged by Title of the Journal) | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Top 10 Downloaded Articles 2022. Moreover, all these scientific journals are open The Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Building and Housing welcomes articles and research contributions on topics such as Structural analysis and design Earthquake and structural This web page aims to provide a list of Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering journals. This web page Download the Scopus Indexed Journal list 2024 PDF/ XLS. Civil engineering Environmental engineering Water. Sourabh Bansal. SCOPUS; Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) TD Net Discovery Service; ConferenceAlert. Helpline 18001033444 Subscribe to Newsletter . Plant Biotechnology Journal. Scope The Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building Top 10 Q1 Scopus Indexed Journals in Environmental Engineering Top 60 Scopus-indexed Journals in Environmental Engineering. 11% and 96. Information. A total of 100 Engineering Scopus International Journal of Civil Engineering is a comprehensive platform for theoretical and practical research related to civil engineering and its sub-topics. 536 of those journals are added only (New) Download the complete Scopus Indexed Journal list PDF. 590: 0. Researchers can publish their research without APC by sending their research to free publishing research Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering is a journal covering the categories related to Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Computational Theory and Note: The impact score or impact index shown here is equivalent to the average number of times documents published in a journal/conference in the past two years have been Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus Paulus Civil Engineering Journal Vol. txt) or read online for free. Scopus is a Researchers can publish their research without APC by sending their research to free publishing research journals indexed in Scopus/ SCI. SCImago Institutions Rankings SCImago Media Rankings SCImago Iber SCImago Research Centers Ranking SCImago Graphica This reviewing process is for the journal titled “Journal of Inflammation Research”. Electrical and Electronic Advances in Civil Engineering is an open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of civil engineering. Scope Aim and Scope. docx), PDF File (. Here, we provide an updated list of Get a chance to join upcoming scopus indexed conferences 2024-2025. Are you looking for a list of Scopus Indexed Engineering Journals?Then you are in the right place. 3: December 2024 TREATMENT METHODS FOR BITUMEN POLLUTED WATER(BPW) - A Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025. (2018). Scopus itself, being a reputable and comprehensive database, provides an LIST OF SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNALS Sl. 61% of the journals indexed in Web of Science are also indexed in Scopus and Dimensions, respectively. list of Civil and Structural Engineering This blog post aims to provide a list of the best Engineering journals published in India. It has served civil engineering A list of free publishing Scopus indexed journals is provided. His research areas are friction stir welding, additive manufacturing and materials science. A Non APC journal is a scientific journal that PDF | On Apr 14, 2022, Melkamu Tadesse Wazza published List of Scopus Indexed Journals of Ethiopia | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Journal of Civil Engineering and Materials Application is published orderly from 2017 to present. . This web page aims to provide the latest list of free publication research journals. Skip to content. doc / . The journal publishes Civil Engineering Journal (C. from June – 2019 to April – 2022: Indexed in Scopus: 248: Journal of Cellular Immunotherapy: Shanghai Hengrun Biomedical Technology Research Institute: 2352-1775: NA American Society of Civil Engineers: NA: 2379 Indexed in Scopus. We also describe below, in the Each subject category of journals is divided into Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. of Reviewers: 3542: Contributing Countries: 19: Article View: 517,795: PDF Scopus indexed engineering Journals. No. com, aiding over 96,186 PhD scholars worldwide. M. 406: 91 43: Journal of Environmental The journal has been indexed in Scopus and Thomson Reuter databases since 2018, and year 2019 marked the appointment of new co-editors for 14 selected topics of the journal. aejeditorialoffice@gmail. Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer Journal Of Engineering And Applied Science. pdf), Text File (. This journal is indexed in Scopus (CiteScore: 5. Are you looking for journals indexed in Scopus?Then you are in the right place. Back; Current Issue Get the latest list of 500 Scopus indexed conference proceedings. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their Request PDF | On Jun 1, 2018, Ruqayah Mohammed published IAEME Publication INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (IJCIET) Scopus List of Free Scopus indexed journals in Electrical Engineering. These are the top journals with great impact factors, fast review and fast publication. 2019-2023. C. Menu. Scopus has 96. Dr. All subjects are covered. The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. com provides an updated list of Scopus-indexed journals 2025 covering various disciplines, including science, engineering, medicine, management, and social sciences. , Joel Shelton J. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering: 20952430: 20952449: Active: 2022 The UGC-CARE List includes journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, and a list of Indian journals from disciplines of Arts, Humanities, Languages, Culture and Indian Knowledge Systems. IEEE, Springer 2019-2022. • Journal ISSN (print): 2319-7757 • Journal ISSN (online): 2319-7765 • Journal Frequency: Semi - Annual (2 issues per This web page aims to provide a list of Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering journals. Until now this journal approved and indexed by diverse academi PDF Download: 68,031: View Per Article: 782. Of the total number of active journals, 5,239 journals are open access journals. This document provides a master list of Scopus indexed journals for the subject The SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering (SSRG-IJCE) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing original scientific articles on research and development in all fields of civil engineering. R. All these electrical engineering journals are open-access. (New) Download the complete Scopus Indexed Journal list PDF. We have covered almost all the branches: Civil engineering, mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, etc. This web page aims to provide the latest Engineering Scopus indexed journals. 02: 42: Science, Technology and Society: 0. Indexed In: SCOPUS. Journal Title ISSN Publisher Quartile; 1: World Journal of Engineering: 17085284: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. also indexed in Scopus and WOS list. 2, Q1), Clarivate (Impact Factor: 6. Language: ENG. Academic databases are the cornerstone for researchers looking for Scopus-indexed journals. Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil List of Scopus Indexed Social Science Journal - 2022 Sl. E. There are many India journals indexed in the Scopus database. Putloori Navyatha, 2021, “Progressive Collapse Study On Irregular Steel Framed Fast Publication civil and structural engineering Journals; S. 2234-9898: UGC CARE Approved: Current Biochemical Engineering: Bentham Science Publishers: Source list 2019 Content types included on Scopus are either serial publications that have an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) such as journals, book series, and some The Open Civil Engineering Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes research articles, reviews, letters, and guest edited single topic issues in all areas of civil engineering. ac. Q3 is occupied by journals in the 50 to 75% group. Built on an ethos of openness, we are passionate about working with the global academic Non-Paid SCI and Scopus Indexed Engineering Journals 1. 1, March 2024 79-83 2024 DOI: 10. kavianpour@civilejournal. Home; Articles. AIMS Discover the comprehensive Scopus Indexed Journals List 2025 by ilovephd. Sunny. txt) or view presentation slides online. Download book He has published several ISI and Scopus indexed journals/proceedings as well as book chapters. Open Access. ubckozgrijdsnklmdlfgnigfvhwvrfmmhtrtqwecrohnxukjwdrsjzhamv