Stata wildcard. Of course, they are not in order in the data set.

Stata wildcard Commented Nov 19, 2021 at 17:15. 2rename group— Rename groups of variables 7. I also tried to use a wildcard argument like *var3, but this is also not possible. Is > there a way that I can expand this argument so that argument > `1' is tcat > argument `2' is tdog and > argument `3' is tcow? > > If so, I know how to write the rest of the program. txt file in the outsheeting process ? I am outsheeting as in: outsheet v1 v2 using "file. Moreover, Stata’s expressions and functions do not readily apply to labels. The solution is to change the reference to "file_*. varabbrevtemporarilyturnson We are thinking the same! I tried this too, but unfortunately, the window interface for previewing has always immediately crashed Stata on OS X for me, regardless of the version of Stata, the version of OS X or the physical Mac machine. Post Inside recodevariables, Stata interprets t* as a single argument. It will not recognise wildcards or regular expressions. > > > >I thought that one way around this problem would be to > string all variables > >in the data, then stack them, and then If your code uses any wildcard expressions to refer to groups of variables, then some or all of those variables will not literally be mentioned in the wildcard expression and you will not find them. It is a literal string. -- David At 08:17 AM 10/28/2003 -0600, you wrote: David - You have found it! Here's what I got: Thanks for your suggestion AL Feiveson [] Nick [email protected] > -----Original Message----- FEIVESON, ALAN H. -subinstr()- is very literally-minded. I would like to create a local list that includes all these variables, but excludes variables such as urb3. Dear List Members, I work with household survey data and would like to create summary statistics disaggregated by gender, age and other characteristics. First, * is fine as a wildcard for all variables, so recourse to -unab- is unnecessary. Inside recodevariables, Stata interprets t* as a single > argument. That's because you are specifying how a number should be displayed. [D] functions • Nowwecanfitthemodel. simple way to see which variables satisfy some property This package allows you to use the wildcard in the list of wanted variables. it could be leading, somewhere in the middle, or at the end, or even multiple times)? Stata: wildcard with exceptions in egen functions. it can apply to variable names, but to use it with string values you need a dedicated function. Post Cancel. For example, you might want to know how many respondents use Stata. These functions are Or can I at least tell Stata more succintly to sum all of var_1 through var_200? Thank you so much and best regards, PM Tags: None. What an interesting problem. 1 reshape 1 4. Join Date: Jun 2014; Posts: 21 #2. The second argument of the -string()- function if you need it should be a _numeric_ display format. I was in the process of writing a short program that Kelvin wants to use a wildcard list and remove a couple of elements from the list. Fiscal year should span 12 months, but there are some observations with missing months Correct. Stata also allows The simplest and most general abbreviation (often called a wildcard) is *, which catches all the variable names in the current dataset. "statalist (E-mail)" < [email Subject st: strange wildcard action: Date Mon, 27 Oct 2003 10:36:57 -0600: Hello - In Stata 7, I tried to use the "dir" command with various combinations of letters - can someone please explain these results? Does this also happen in Stata 8? Thank you Kyle! I never used extended functions before - this is very neat. Capitalization of the words following search is irrelevant, as is the inclusion or exclusion of Ahh--I'm rusty (been using Stata for a long time but haven't done this in a time). because variable name expansion only occurs where Stata is expecting a variable list. dta > 0. * They can save a lot of time as well as create coding outcomes that are otherwise impossible or extremely Wildcards in Stata are typically only used in variable names. It is probably simplest for you to repeat import excel or import delimited and flag that the first row of the data file is to be treated as indicating variable names. dir sat* > 1. I have an example that fails to replace string var using wildcard in expression. com rename group Rule 11: Wildcard =in new specifies the original variable name. One approach that comes to mind is using the egen command rather than collapse to generate the variables you need within the existing dataset. 9Time-series operators 13. I would like to do something along the lines of this: It is this core syntax that Stata implements in its regular-expression functions. You could use -regexm(<whatever>, "^Tim ")- to catch the first word. 4k 8/03/99 8:40 satish. See the following data example. logit highbp age bmi female Iteration 0: log likelihood = -7050. In Stata, if I want to drop variables before merging that all have an "h1" root, I would type: drop h1* Stata drops all variables beginning with "h1", no matter what order they are in. There is this example of the code for graph combine in the post #3 that helps combine a large number of graphs: graph combine `graphs', col(3) xsize(1. Just a thought: This may be a result of -dir- (whether it be in Stata or in the command prompt) looking at both the WIN32 file names and the DOS short alias names. cox@durham. Question marks are usually used as wildcards for single letters or numbers. But it keeps executing tabulate and summarize not appealing, and early Stata teaching should cover abbreviated ways of catching some of or all the variable names. Hi Statalisters, I am not sure how the string wildcard works. If not, is there > some other way of writing this program using the wildcard variable Hugh: I'm not sure exactly what you are asking, but he strpos function should get you there. 2 Looping over variables However if I only want to run the 3rd regression, by first running a CTRL-D on the first line (local controls age gender inc) and then a CTRL-D on the last line (logit y3 `controls'), it doesn't work anymore : Stata then just estmates logit y3 (i. renamewhatever =jan: Adds suffix janto all variables selected by whatever. edu Subject: Re: st: wildcard in numeric variable Thanks, An answer that stops short of 42 but works perfectly I have a large number of variables starting with either with urb7, urb8 or urb9. rename jan* *: Removes prefix jan. Ben Ronen. Clyde Schechter Mike, All you need is to use the wildcard as a prefix. The two numbers identifying survey waves are: suffixes 01, 06, 09, 11 and 13 for one round 1 and 03, 05, 08, 12 or 14 for round 2. Notice: On April 23, 2014, Statalist moved from an email list to a forum, based at statalist. Finally, reading -help missing- should help you learn about how missing values are handled in Stata. You will find that using numbers like -1 is not useful. doe--say with a shell command ? 2. – Chris. The expression is 1|6|7 is legal; it's the wildcard in an equality or inequality that isn't. Commented Jan 25, 2011 at 19:21. Dear Statalisters, How can I do the following? reg y x1 x2 (int_* - int_abc - int_xyz) Obviously the above doesn't work. I'm trying to collapse only a subset of my data using if, but it seems to be dropping / collapsing much more than I expect. I cannot find any reference of a wildcard being used in such a situation, is it possible? I'm sure there is a very simple solution to my problem so I apologise in advance! Thank you for your help, Joanna-- Stata makes this soooooo easy. The SQL has to be built dynamically so that each column name is explicitly referenced in the select. harvard. rename whatever pre=fix: Adds prefix pre and suffix fix to all variables selected by whatever. You left out "files" on the first line, but after I add that in, it works great! I'm glad to have helped. In SAS, I try: data temp (drop=h1*); SAS does not recognize the wildcard. If you are running version 15. > > There are a variety of The dash syntax is varname-varname, and the variable names cannot have wildcard characters in them. Does that exist? For example, if I am trying to find any variable in my data set that includes the string "findme", in Stata I would do (Tab at the top left of your StataList screen. No announcement yet. 1 Lists of existing variables), so users have substantial flexibility in how variables may be referenced. I'm not sure I've understood it correctly, but perhaps the following demonstrates some useful applications of regular expressions and other string functionality in Stata. In other words, id like to tell stata to sum all the variables that share the same prefix. When the names are in common, the variables are numbered sequentially, but they are not stored sequentially. Barbara Tuennes. For example, The dataset attached is malformed for Stata purposes as metadata appear in the first observation and as a side-effect all variables are string. manual search the entries in the Stata Documentation sj search the entries in the Stata Journal and the STB Menu Help > Search Description search searches a keyword database and the Internet for Stata materials related to your query. To [email protected] Subject st: a reverse wildcard or other way to mean "all variables but" Date Fri, 29 Jun 2012 11:56:42 -0400: Unlike Stata, you have to re-load a package every time you start a new R session. it could be leading, somewhere in the middle, or at the end, or even multiple times)? Title stata. Filter. If so, the whole apparatus of wildcards, matching, regular expressions and what have you can be avoided by * Stata wildcards and shortcuts * Wildcards are extremely useful. For instance, pretend that Missing ) inserted below. That's because you are specifying how a It's easy to agree that wildcard syntax doesn't work here, but there is a small issue of precisely why not. For example, I have a string variable called "sequence" that has the following observations:- 1. rename *jan *: Removes suffix jan. it could be leading, somewhere in the middle, or at the > end, or even multiple times)? > > Hugh > > > On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 9:03 AM, Richard Goldstein > <[email protected]> wrote: 2reshape—Convertdatafromwidetolongformandviceversa Syntax Overview long wide i j stub i stub1 stub2 1 1 4. Antoine Richard Goldstein wrote: > I don't see any need for a wildcard; how about > > gen byte newvar=substr(sequence,1,4)=="Tim" > > Rich > > Hugh Colaco wrote: >> Hi Statalisters, >> >> I am not sure how the string wildcard works. tabulate q1_Stata Dear colleagues, I'm having problems renaming / removing string variables using a wildcard. Address example: CALLE CESAR MANZANO 175. varabbrev—Controlvariableabbreviation Description novarabbrevtemporarilyturnsoffvariableabbreviationifitison. Consider the following example based on your code Nick - You provided a good clue when you suggested look at !dir. The rename command (see [D] I'm just looking for the right wildcard character and a way to use it. Variable names should correspond to both interpretability by a user, as well as the utilities Statistical software allows. g. Previous by thread: Re: st: wildcard in numeric variable; Next by thread: RE: st: wildcard in numeric | the separator for or. the wildcard you work on must include all the prefixes you as noted by Nick, was that I repeated 10 times stubs' names; the second one was related to my Stata app and my laptop, that required "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1" x86 e x64" to Be careful while using the wildcard * as any variable with the prefix of inddum will be dropped. The problem seems to be related to the fact that I'm using a wildcard with the mrtab command, but the resulting graphs can't be saved with the "*" in their name (because I suppose it is invalid syntax). I have tried to use (it doesn't work, I'm new using this command): Thanks! Phil Schumm wrote: On May 24, 2006, at 12:35 PM, Phil Schumm wrote: unab allvars: _all loc vars_to_exclude "a b c" foreach var in `:list allvars - vars_to_exclude' { Welcome to Statalist. rename (black hisp) (raceeth_black raceeth_hisp) regress wage educ age raceeth_ * marr. 5 @Chris: You can't use a wildcard for the column list of a select statement. Colin Campbell > <[email protected]> wrote: > > > > Dear Statalist, > > > > I have a dataset in which a numeric variable cv contains values that need to be coded as missing. I need to conform France's data to that of all the other observations -- this means that I need to condense those 3 observations into one, where cost = cost if threshold = cost, and LOS = LOS for threshold = LOS. Thank you Romalpa Akzo. From: "Nick Cox" <[email protected]> Prev by Date: st: SECOND announcement of 3rd NASUG; Next by Date: Re: st: Re: statsby and xtreg; Previous by thread: st: RE: How to refer to scalars with a wildcard; Next by thread: st: SECOND announcement of 3rd NASUG; Index(es): Date; Thread Dear Statalist, I have a small, but curious problem when working (at beginner level) with Mata to which I cannot seem to find the solution: When I use the command "mata describe" the namelist that can optionally follow does (to my reading) not seem to work as described in the namelist entry in the Mata manual. It unabbreviates a varlist and puts the result in a local macro. 2) and saving the results in a new dataset. Rich Hugh Colaco wrote: > Thanks Rich. do file th The variable names are collectively *97 *98, so we need a way of expanding that list of wildcard names automatically and then removing the suffix. So instead, I manually tried all combinations of Using Stata 12, I want to replace some substrings in a string variable. For example, I need to change all instances of CC to 18, VC to 75, and PC to 35. I don't see any need for a wildcard; how about gen byte newvar=substr(sequence,1,4)=="Tim" Rich Hugh Colaco wrote: Hi Statalisters, I am not sure how the string wildcard works. Note that this is not an answer to the question as asked. Thus, with the auto data, we could cycle through all the values of Dear Statalist users, using Stata13 I would like to exert the following command egen comcon = anycount(SES_(624 - (age_mo - 40 *12))) - SES_624, Login or Register How can I "replace" a wildcard by this condition? Any help is greatly appreciated. these string variables are nested into local macros. The simplest and most general abbreviation (often called a wildcard) is *, which catches all the variable names in the current dataset. You should consider using regex machinery. By nondisjoint-groups, I mean those entities (in my case co_code) that are in both categories. Seems to be an unfortunate problem for us few Mac users. Use -strpos()-. dta files with hr in their names. See Example 3 of the outreg2 doc: foreach i in first second third { reg b a_`i' est store `i' reg b a_`i' control est store `i'control } outreg2 [*] using filename, replace In Stata, if I have these variables: var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, and var6, I can select all of them with the command var*. Show. 5) ysize(20) iscale(*2) This may come as an odd request however, I am trying to understand whether the following can be addressed using Stata. It seems that SAS doesn't allow the use of wildcard for suffix which is a shame. There are one set of variables n1 n6 n11, with step 5. Is it possible to either: 1. , > > I'm having problems renaming / removing string variables using a wildcard. -syntax- works on what is in local macro 0. Other packages, such as Stata allows wildcard in both side of a keyword. All Time Today Last Week Last Month. How can I proceed? Thank you Tags: None. If not, run -ssc install dataex- to get it. 05 Feb 2020, 10:42. Stata ignores the values > of this variable > >in the using dataset. It puts that in the local named. 1k 8/20/01 15:21 satish1_aug01. Time. Wildcard syntax like this applies when a variable list is expected, i. I'd modify your -forval- loop and build up a list of names one by one (add semi-colons as desired) forvalues i = `start'/`end' { sum income if age==(`i'+startage-1 Suppose I have a dataset of variables with the following names (note the stub of x and hm):. The Stata Journal (2019) 19, Number 4, pp. If it so happened that you wanted to drop a var or series of vars with _foo in the middle, you would need to add another wildcard to the end of the -drop- command: drop *_foo* Be very careful using this technique as it is indiscriminate and you may end up I'm a Stata user who is learning SAS. After a regression in Stata, I am trying to plot only the coefficients of the interaction terms. stringr Stata (fixed) Stata (wildcard) Stata (regex) Hi, You cannot "save" the label interactively. What is the proper way to do this? Answer The variable names are collectively *97 *98, so we need a way of expanding that list of wildcard names automatically and then removing the suffix. It unabbreviates it to a expanded varlist 3. org. In that case, one approach is: Code: ds `y' local varcount: word count `r(varlist)' All the code does is count words inside a string. Nick [email protected]-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto: [email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox Sent: 01 June 2012 12:35 To: '[email protected]' Subject: RE: st: wildcard in numeric variable The second argument of the -string()- function if you need it should be a _numeric_ display format. Page of 1. -ds-, -unab-, etc. 5273 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -5845. 4. Convert string to valid Stata name; Wildcard pattern matching; Convert strings to/from Unicode (UTF-8) and extended ASCII ; Escape and unescape Unicode (UTF-8) strings ; Dear List friends, I come across one problem. The answers ranged more widely: either way, it is not clear why you appear to think the question remains open, in so far as you haven't accepted any answer. 5 ←−−−−−−−−→ Dear List friends, I come across one problem. r(198); I thought I could just relabel label my axis, since I want to create a scatterplot with ln[H1/Ht]-2lnlnt on the y-axis but then I run into the same problem: Statalist is a Forum with many members and non-members who are reading along The edit of the question suggests an even simpler answer: the wildcard *hr*. I get the same behavior when I issued the "dir" command under the WIndows2000 "DOSPROMPT" emulator, but not when using "open" under the "file" bar in various other Windows programs. Peter: if your variabes are actually named -var_1-, -var_2- and so on, you can use the wildcard symbol (*) to speed things up: Sorry about the typo: gen byte newvar=substr(sequence,1,4)=="Tim " Richard Goldstein wrote: I don't see any need for a wildcard; how about gen byte newvar=substr(sequence,1,4)=="Tim" Rich Hugh Colaco wrote: In addition replace ID needs to be followed immediately by an equals sign. The nearest equivalent for what you want to do is regular expressions (functions regexm, regexr, regexs), which I wouldn't An expression can't contain a wildcard as far as Stata is concerned, so you are thrown out. From Eric Booth < [email protected] > To "< [email protected] >" < [email protected] > Subject Re: st: Confirm existence of a variable(s) with wildcards in the variable name: Date Wed, 2 Feb 2011 03:05:08 +0000 13. From: Colin Campbell <[email protected]> Prev by Date: Re: st: Extracting substrings from variable and combining variables. txt", nolabel From Nick Cox < [email protected] > To [email protected] Subject Re: st: Confirm existence of a variable(s) with wildcards in the variable name: Date Wed, 2 Feb 2011 10:04:41 +0000 From Nick Cox < [email protected] > To "[email protected]" < [email protected] >Subject Re: st: -confirm variable- does not accept varlist (wildcards) Date Fri, 6 Sep 2013 09:39:20 +0100 Moreover, as bug fixes and new features are issued frequently by StataCorp, make sure that you update your Stata before posting a query, as your problem may already have been solved. I need the astrisks because I'm Hi, To get to your final answer use the regex command: gen seq = regexm(newvar, "Tim") NB use the newvar generated by Rich below JW -----Original Message----- From The only thing Stata is missing is an easy way to specify variables v1, v2,. Without an understanding of your data, it is difficult to give more Stata has a powerful matrix language called Mata that contains hundreds of functions. 18 Mar 2018, 12:26. uk -----Original Message----- From: owner-statalist@hsphsun2. ado > 4. 1 like; Comment. Tags: None. Note that I use the newer Unicode-capable regular expression functions, because the engine behind them is much more capable . 7Explicit subscripting 13. 6Accessing results from Stata commands 13. txt file within a Stata . 8Indicator values for levels of factor variables 13. Is there a way that I can expand this argument so that argument `1' is tcat argument `2' is tdog and argument `3' is tcow? If not, is there some other way of writing this program using the wildcard variable naming convention that I should know about? With thanks for any Manipulating variables is convenient in Stata. I just came accross the following problem: suppose you have a string variable (stringvar) which contains text and question marks. However using * in the foreach does not work with stata IF it is part of a nested/descendant macro. Running this code in Stata just delivers additional lines with "Name of var1 and "Name of var2" in the tex file but not with "Lead value of var3". An expression can't contain a wildcard as far as Stata is concerned, so you are thrown out. Giventhat * isgreedyandthatthe # specifies Thanks Rich. Barbara Tags: None. – Roberto Ferrer. drop *_foo drop *_bar This will -drop- all vars with _foo or _bar as terminal. Another approach is using the merge command to add the variables you generate with the collapse back to the original dataset. For example, if you simply want to test whether a Stata 15, Windows 10 I'm iterating over a set of datasets looking for particular variables, some are not in all datasets. Of course, they are not in order in the data set. testparm raceeth_black raceeth_hisp. For example, I have variables called "recid_charges_prop1. It has been my experience, to the extent I've noticed, that if I issue a command using a varlist with a wildcard, e. Same as in Stata? matches zero or one instance * matches zero or more instances + matches one or more instances ^x starts with x z& ends with z \b word boundary Pattern Greedy Reluctant Possessive-----0 or 1 ? ?? ?+ 0 or more * *? Consider storing the regression estimates, then use outreg2 outside the loop, concisely with a wildcard [*]. So the pertinent part of the code becomes . dta" in the first command of the code in #4 to some appropriate wildcard pattern that properly expresses the names of those files. "a*" in this context is not a wildcard. Other than being bound by quotation marks, words in Stata are just defined by being separated by spaces Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software . Wildcard#inoldisgreedierthan*,whichmeansthatwhen*and#areupagainsteachother,#wins. In your example, all In your case, your criterion seems to be that the first three characters are "fill". Regular expressions are simply strings that are a mix of literals and operators. For example, in Stata a number of commands allow using wildcard commands such as * and ? to stand-in for patterns in the data. Commented Mar 4, 2015 at 2:42. With every other command with which I have used an if qualifier, the command applies only to the subset of the data that meets the if criteria and leaves the rest of the data alone. You can use the -unab- command (or tsunab if you are using time-series operators), mixed with a macro function: An example could be: unab allvars : int_* unab excludedvars : int_abc int_xyz local selected : list allvars - excluded And then you use the local macro -selected- like this: reg y x1 x2 `selected' You will see that the results do the same as (int_* - int_abc - int_xyz) Cheers, What I want know, is to calculate a fiscal month by the using the idea in the code above. Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software . 1 like; Stata for Windows will change all those to \ before sending them to windows. 4 varname and varlists) to abbreviate variable names or refer to more than one variable at a time. Like so: Orginal Variable CC547A1 | VC549F| PC5297 New Variable 18547A1 | 75549F | 355297 The characters I need to change are always in the beginning. I couldn't find anything on this in the help or manuals. Putting Stata variable names inside Stata variables I am curious and have not been able to find the answer to this question. new posts. Still, Stata recognizes the observations (origin_city=NY, dest_city=WA) and (origin_city=WA, dest_city=NY) as 2 unique observations. Much appreciated. dta > 40. library (fixest) * Rename so we can use the wildcard later. x9, xdog, x_99, hma8j, hm40, hm0 I want to develop a programmatic way to provide a list of variable names (which may contain wildcards) and then loop through each variable name to recode all values less than 0 with a missing value (. # Load fixest into our current R session. Instead of a regex pattern, use fixed() for exact matching, or glob2rx for wildcard matching. 5 1 2 4. The reason for avoiding \ in path names in Stata is that the \ character 6foreach—Loopoveritems foreachofvarlist foreachlnameofvarlistvarlistallowsspecifyinganexistingvariablelist. From David Kantor < [email protected] > To [email protected] Subject Re: st: For loop with wildcards for string suffixes: Date Thu, 21 Sep 2006 10:17:49 -0400 Hello guys, This may be a very easy questions but I couldn't figure it out. Join Date: Apr 2014; Posts: 17546 #2. do file, in order to verify if there are (and eventually drop) double locals. Join Date: Nov 2017; Posts: 42 #18. foreach offers a way of repeating one or more Stata commands; see also [P] foreach. Attach the saved labels after collapse In the simplest case, the new variables all have the same names as their originals. Join Hi Statalist! I need to make a list of some locals defined in the . 1 Lists of existing variables. 1Generating lags, leads, and st: RE: How to refer to scalars with a wildcard. tab anno_2 anno_primo_trattamento2 Intuitively, I feel like it should still be possible to estimate the treatment effects but stata tries to do comparisons such as t_1_7. I will try to be as descriptive as possible. recid_charges_prop15) I didn't see anything when browsing through the egen help file. count if q1_Stata == 1 or type . 31. From: Nick Cox <[email protected]> Prev by Date: Re: st: Mixed model for longitudinal data: Time discrete or continuous? Next by Date: RE: st: Extracting substrings from variable and combining variables. For example, in the auto. Basically, I have added a suffix of two numbers to filenames that are in my database as a string variable. The list macro functions are useful in that regard: webuse auto,clear The expansion of wildcard variable lists is usually taken care of by whatever command creates local macro_name beforehand (e. CC - GG55 Welcome to Statalist. . The content of these variables are codes of different crops, with 1$$ and 1 coded as wheat (1$$ are the sub-categories of wheat). Mike Lacy. More generally, do try out the help on string functions. I also see no options in the egen concat() function that could help me with this. dta will catch all . Filtered by: Clear All. It greatly simplifies the process of replicating your Stata example in another person's Stata, so that code can be tested on it. Nick [email protected] tashi lama I have an example that fails to replace string var using wildcard in expression. For example, drop *_suf would delete all the variables that ends with _suf and drop pref_* will delete all the variables that starts with I'd like to do this via Stata, however. In this example I used the same name for input and output, but that it is not compulsory. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 9 months ago. 7655 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -5859. I do not know what code Windows is using from a DOS prompt to perform wildcard matching on filenames. I am new to using macros, and I want to incorporate this "Wildcard with exceptions" syntax into an egen function in Stata 12. Hope you can help me out. We can use wildcard characters (see [U] 11. 1Generating lags and leads 13. This allows for data modification to be done systematically. 9. You need -regexm()- or -strmatch()- for the wildcard interpretation. Stata has now fixed the problem reported above that was preventing -graph combine- from working properly in Stata 16 and therefore breaking Vince Wiggins' -grc1leg- and my -grc1leg2-. Overwrite a . Type . df[grepl(glob2rx('Andy*'), rownames(df)),] Share. Announcement. -unab- is usually billed as a programmer's command, but it can be used interactively. Data on multiple responses with this coding scheme can be used immediately for many analyses. In additon, using var3 instead of f. as Stata generally offers many more Along the same line, gen newvar=word(sequence,1)=="Tim" should work too. 1, -dataex- is part of your official Stata installation. Carlo Lazzaro. Posts; Latest Activity; Search. Thank you for helping me solve my question in #4. Comment. Some original variables do not need to be That is, in Stata 1 OR 6 OR 7 is in effect true OR true OR true, so true, and thus 1, given the rules non-zero is true as input and true is 1 as output. And what if I'm looking for "Jane" anywhere inside the string (i. All Discussions only Photos only Videos only Links only Polls only. dta is already installed: it's a part of official Stata and is installed when you install Stata itself. Hello, in STATA, in a foreach loop, I am searching for values within string-variables, using the strmatch() and astrisk (*) wildcards. Viewed 900 times 1 . – luchonacho. Shafaq Malik. var3 as an refcat argument does not work. Second, you can't wildcard local macro names, as in your local nv* All that you can wildcard in Stata are varlists. 2. edu] On Behalf Of Colin Campbell Sent: 01 June 2012 12:54 To: statalist@hsphsun2. com rename group * in new or old is called a wildcard character, or just a wildcard. 5355 Hi Statalist users, I am using the metatrim command (sbe39. > Hello - In Stata 7, I tried to use the "dir" command with various > combinations of letters - can someone please explain these results? > > Does this also happen in Stata 8? > > . * is a wildcard for all variables in the current dataset; for other ways of abbreviating variable lists, see [U] 11. Delete a . Perhaps some of Al's files, such as satish2_aug01. Stata, however, uses the Win32 SDK C functions "FindFirstFile()" and "FindNextFile()" to loop across files and directories. Last edited by Romalpa Akzo; 10 Feb 2020, 05:58. Example3:Loopingoverexistingvariables I basically have a panel dataset per country, ID and year. I have googled this problem and also Title stata. Re: st: wildcard in numeric variable. I tried this and it fails Any idea? var1 is string. Nick [email protected] Hugh Colaco Thanks Rich. 4k 8/05/99 15:17 Dear all, I am struggling with the following problem: I have several datasets I want to append, but the variable names differ from one dataset to the next. So you can do. 1177/1536867X19893630 Extensions to the label commands (see [D] label) do not support wildcard characters in value-label names, and there is no dedicated command for changing value-label names. For decades this has been a great community. The unhelpful suggestion is to read an introductory text on Stata programming, or to take the web course, so that you understand the syntax. In practice I have many columns and only want to For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. I tried this and it fails Nick n. I do not have data for this as I am trying to understand a general concept of going about this. 1 4. ) Read there about the -dataex- command and post some example data for the variables relevant to your second question here. ) Comment. The Overflow Blog The developer skill you might be neglecting Stata sees `rhsvars', in your case perhaps x1-x5 2. dta, have DOS aliases that begin "saf". What characters are used as wildcards in SAS? In Stata it is the asterisk. You have to put them in your do-file. Inspired by Stata's bug fix, I have updated -grc1leg2- to version 1. "(int_* - int_abc - int_xyz)" is supposed to mean the varlist of all variable names starting with int_ except int_abc and int_xyz, and in place of int_abc and int_xyz could be any other variable names that I specify. David - You have found it! Here's what I got: Thanks for your suggestion AL Feiveson To Alan Riley - Please disregard my last message - David has discovered the problem. Add st: wildcard in numeric variable. Next by Date: st: wildcard in numeric variable; Previous by thread: st: wildcard in numeric variable; Next by thread: Re: st: wildcard in numeric variable; Index(es): Date; Thread My understanding here is that Caterina is using the macro y to hold a wildcard descriptor of a varlist. Is there a way to use a wildcard in a filename in Stata when using the insheet command? For example, I have a . > I am using Dear Statalist, I have a dataset in which a numeric variable cv contains values that need to be coded as missing. dta, if a command refers to mpg-headroom, rep78 is implicitly included there, but not explicitly mentioned in the do-file If the variables are say a2016 b2016 c2016 a2017 b2017 you would need to work on *2016, i. -regexm("Tom and Tim", "Tim")- is 1. Either way, run -help dataex- to read the simple instructions for using it. I was unable to do this using the community-contributed command coefplot. Modified 10 years, 9 months ago. Sorry about that. 867–882 DOI: 10. your loop is a loop over a single item grado*-- as putting a wildcard into a local doesn't unpack the wildcard. And that command played no role in how the solution works: it was just there to provide a demonstration of how the code works. if grado* == 4 stata; prefix; local-variables; or ask your own question. Notice: On April 23, 2014, Statalist moved from an email list to a forum, Subject Re: st: a reverse wildcard or other way to mean "all variables but" Date Fri, 29 Jun 2012 17:12:46 +0100: ds ID, not collapse `r(varlist)', by(ID) or use -findname- (SJ, SSC) to the same effect. Add a comment | 3 Answers Sorted by: Reset to If you are not comfortable with regex there is a function in the utils package, which can convert wildcard based expressions to regex. . Regards For more flexibility, consider using asdocx which can send Stata outputs to MS Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML. Collapse. The helpful suggestion is to not use a regular expression, as in this particular case it is not necessary. I can't figure out how to have Being able to use a wildcard has enabled me to incorporate the quarterly variations of a number of variables much more efficiently. I need the astrisks because I'm searching for words that fall into any part of the string. 20 Sep 2018, 05:40. Below, we list some basic matrix functions that are provided within Stata. From "Barclay Matthew (SHEFFIELD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST)" < [email protected] > To "[email protected]" < [email protected] >Subject st: RE: Problem using wildcard and renaming string variables Thanks, An answer that stops short of 42 but works perfectly nonetheless! Colin ----- Original Message ----- From: Nick Cox <[email protected]> To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> Cc: Sent: Friday, 1 June 2012, 13:34 Subject: RE: st: wildcard in numeric variable The second argument of the -string()- function if you need it should be a _numeric_ display format. For example, replace does not alter the data for which foreign != 1: Dear Statausers, I have a large dataset with many addresses (variable address, a string one) and I would like to add ", CHILE" and the end of each one. edu [mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2. X. 1. Stata will, I guess, just end up confused by your syntax here, as even if you have defined a local nv the * still needs evaluation. I want to do a univariate analysis and to instruct stata to tabulate categorical variables and summarize continuous variables. e. We can work on either *97 or *98. I read that in SAS you can use : as a wildcard for suffixes, but I need the same for prefixes. Dear Attaullah, Thank you so Dear Stata members I would like to remove the "nondisjoint-groups" from my sample. In your case, your criterion seems to be that the first three characters are "fill". Hello, in STATA, in a foreach loop, I am searching for values within string-variables, using the strmatch () and astrisk (*) wildcards. One common pattern is to cycle through all values of a classifying variable. Another way to do it, more general than you need in this case, is to use -syntax-. I am using Stata 11. There are a variety of numeric values 9999, 99999, 999999 etc that need to be recoded. ac. "Tim and Tom and Jane" 2. Does R have a similar functionality? Strictly speaking, var* is not a command, but a varlist (a list of variable names) that uses a special character or wildcard. An expression -- in this context -- has to boil down to something that evaluates to true or false Stata also offers three wildcard characters, *, ~, and ? (see [U] 11. -regress y x*-, Stata expands the varlist x* to a list of individual variables, and it preserves the order in which those variables appear in the data set. Join Date: Apr 2014; Posts: 2391 #2. Here is a reproducible example and my attempted solutions: Thanks all of you for suggesting the codes and Macro. If they are a long list, use #delimit (check help if you didn't know it). The reason why I changing month is that when I take into account fiscal month, the listing of months (1 st, 2 nd, etc) is going to change, depending on the beginning month of the fiscal year. Perhaps Stata thinks you are making a comment, in which case it can't see the brace. 6666. 2Subscripting within groups 13. Code: The auto. Roger's code shows too little faith in official Stata. A question regarding Kelvin wants to use a wildcard list and remove a couple of elements from the list. only constant term) : the controls aren't recognized anymore. r(198); Do you have any clue of why this happens?. j. I have a string variable that looks something like this: MMDC-6MA. 7. renamegroup—Renamegroupsofvariables11 Considerthepattern *# andthevariablename v1234 . 1k 6/27/97 7:29 satish. Nick [email protected] > -----Original Message----- > From: [email protected] > [mailto: [email protected]]On Behalf Of Friedrich > Huebler This is a small detail, but it makes it easier to refer to the variables collectively using a wildcard, such as q1_*. My way of thinking about it is that Stata looks at what you type from left to right so that once Stata sees if it expects an expression to follow. And what if I'm looking for "Jane" anywhere inside the > string (i. rename jan? ?1: Renames all variables starting with jan and ending in one character by wildcard characters in them. 666667, which is of course not possible because there is no time period 7. vcfhna wupy guoj dicdewz onjeqy sverslf ncb ifunfu fnwchhr gisec