Kilmaley parish newsletter ie 4th Sunday Advent “Year C” 20th December, 2015 MASSES: Inch Sun 20th Dec @ 9. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH KILMALEY CAMOGIE CLUB will hold a second Registration night on Wednesday, 21st March at Kilmaley Community Hall. ie THIRTY- FIRST SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME “C”--- 30th October 2016 INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. com or drop them in the letterbox at Kilmaley presbytery by 1. If you have a news item you would like to publish in the newsletter, please send an Mass times ~ Kilmaley: Saturday 7. We sincerely thank you for your contributions, they are vital in keeping our parish going. ie Notices for Newsletter to Fr. Fr John McGovern 065 6839735; Canon Michael McLaughlin 065 683 9332; All Parish Contacts ; Parish Office; Search. Contact 065 68 39735 or email kilmaleyparish@gmail. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627; Fr. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH OFFICE 065-6839735----- Opening Hours - Mon Tue Wed 10. pdf Our parish newsletter is available on Kilmaley Parish website, see link below. Connolly: Sunday 10. Michael the Archangel Church, Connolly. Sun 11th May 11. 30am, Monday and Tuesday 10am. 30am Special Intention Sat 17th May 11. Fr John McGovern 065 6839735; Canon Michael McLaughlin 065 683 9332; All Parish Contacts IN H-KILMALEY- ONNOLLY NEWSLETTER Fr. Wed. Kilmaley presbytery by BASKET & ENVELOPE COLLECTIONS: Weekly Envelopes €640. It is weaved into generations of familes with much pride and passion. September 2024 . Lynch, in 1833. 30pm, Thursday and Friday 10am. Trocaire boxes are available in church porches. ie SIXTH SUNDAY EASTER “Year C” – 8th May, 2016 MASSES: Inch Sun 8th May, @ 9. Michael passed away unexpectedly but peacefully at University Hospital Limerick in the loving company of his nieces Rita and Carmel. Title: Microsoft Word - Kilmaley Parish Newsletter 25th May 2014 (Autosaved) (Autosaved) (1). Play online at www. Larkin by 12 Noon on Thursdays INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY NEWSLETTER Fr. Inch: Sunday 9. Please join us for Chriatmas Masses in Kimaley parish December 14, 2024; Kilmaley Camogie Club was reformed in 1983 and the club has played a very important part in our local community over its 30 years. ie TWENTY- NINTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME “C” 16th October, 2016 INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. 30am James & Mary INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH OFFICE 065-6839735----- Opening Hours – Mon. Priests Collection €180. ie/publications/newsletter/18th_September_2022[2022-9-18]. Title: Microsoft Word - Kilmaley Parish Newsletter 20th July 2014 (Autosaved) (Autosaved). back to galleries. The time is 7 – 8pm. ANNIVERSARY MASSES can be booked for any of the scheduled masses. Fr John McGovern 065 6839735; Canon Michael McLaughlin 065 Parish Office – Parochial House, Kilmaley – Tel 065 6839735 or e-mail kilmaleyparish@gmail. com 8th ndSunday in Ordinary Time/A 2 March, 2014 ! INCH – KILMALEY - CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr Pat Larkin 065 6839735 /087 2300627 Canon McLaughlin 065 6839332/ 0862213025 Parish Office – Parochial House, Kilmaley – Tel 065 6839735 or e-mail kilmaleyparish@gmail. ie 21st Sunday Ordinary Time Year “” 23rd August, 2015 MASSES: Inch Sun 23rd Aug @ 9. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH OFFICE 065-6839735----- Opening Hours – Mon, Tue Kilmaley Sat 17th December @ 7. This game is scheduled for the weekend of Kilmaley-- Sunday 17th May @ 11. 00am Masses and other liturgies from Kilmaley church can be viewed on the parish webcam using the Kilmaley Parish Property and Finance Committee. 8 @ 9. The Parish Office is located at the Parochial House, Kilmaley. ie TWENTY- FOURTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME “C” 11th September, 2016 MASSES: th Inch Sun 11 September @ 9. Tue. Services offered by the Parish Office include: Certificates (Baptismal, Confirmation, Letter of Freedom, All for Marriages) Booking of Masses, Weddings, Baptisms. com 5th SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 8/2/2015 MASSES: thInch Sun. 10am – 4. Larkin by 12 Noon on Thursdays Kilmaley – Parish Office – 065 6839735; Parish Newsletter. ie 34th Sunday Ordinary Time “Year ” Feast of Christ the king 22nd November, 2015 MASSES: Inch Sun 22nd Nov @ 9. 30am Silver Jubilee – Apostolic Work Society Sun 8th INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Much of the fundraising for the building was done among exiles in the Christmas Eve: Kilmaley church at 7. kilmaleygaa. R. Please join us for Chriatmas INCH – KILMALEY - CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr Pat Larkin 065 6839735 /087 2300627 Canon McLaughlin 065 6839332/ 0862213025 Parish Office – Parochial House, Kilmaley – Tel 065 6839735 or e-mail kilmaleyparish@gmail. killaloediocese. ie SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Kilmaley have been drawn to face Whitegate in the 1st round. Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 Parish Newsletter. We are also blessed by the numbers of people who come to our churches each INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. docx Author: David Brew Created Date: 9/5/2014 10:55:56 AM BLESSING OF GRAVES in Kilmaley Cemetery on Sun 5th Nov at 12 noon. D. – 4. Much of the fundraising for the building was done This large mid-Clare parish includes medieval Kilmaley plus the Inch district of Dromcliffe, Parish Newsletter. Fr John McGovern 065 6839735; Canon Michael McLaughlin 065 683 9332; All Parish Newsletter. O. We encourage and welcome many more to join. Martin Shanahan 087 748 6935; All Parish Contacts ; Parish Office; Search. ymsp. Fr John McGovern 065 6839735; Canon Michael INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. December 7, 2024; Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 Parish Newsletter. Larkin by 12 Noon on Thursdays INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 Kilmaley Church was one of the earliest parishes in which alterations were made in line with Vatican 11 liturgical reforms. Parish Newsletter. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH OFFICE 065-6839735 email –kilmaleyparish@gmail. We are blessed by all those who work tirelessly in a voluntary capacity in all our churches and in the parish. PARISH OFFICE: The parish office will be Click on link for this - Kilmaley, Inch, Connolly Parish INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Michael Burke, P. Connolly Church: Kilmaley Camogie Club was reformed in 1983 and the club has played a very important part in our local community over its 30 years. 8 October @ 7. Fr Parish Newsletter. 15am, Wednesday at 8pm MASS CARDS; For CLICK ON LINK BELOW FOR THIS WEEKS PARISH NEWSLETTER https://www. com Easter Sunday 20th April, 2014 (Year A) Items for inclusion in newsletter should now be send to Fr Larkin, in writing or by e-mail pjlarkin@eircom. CLICK LINK FOR THIS WEEKS PARISH NEWSLETTER http://www. Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 First Confession 14 th Mar 2023 7. ie/publications/newsletter/4th_December_2022[2022-12-4]. 30amSpecial Intention Sun 15th May, @ 9. 00am – 4. Jackpot Next Week €8,700---- €30 Winners – Lorna Gavin, Gearoid Griffin, Edel Wall, Seán Dixon, Lorna Gavin. ie FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT “A” 2nd April, 2017 MASSES: Inch Sun 2nd Opening Hours: Parish Office. Notices. Donagh O KILMALEY PARISH JOURNAL 2018: Clubs and Organisations in the Parish are asked to e-mail in their end-of-year reports as soon as possible to info@realprint. 30am Special Intention th Sun 30 Aug @ Parish Newsletter. Where space Annual Mass of Remembrance Kilmaley church on Fri 3rd Nov at 7. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH OFFICE 065-6839735----- Opening Hours- Mon Tue Wed 10. The Grotto near the church is one of a number of projects undertaken by the parishioners of Inch, Kilmaley and Connolly to mark the millennium year of 2000 A. Larkin by 12 Noon on Thursdays Items for newsletter to be sent to parish office before 1pm on Wednesdays - kilmaleyparish@gmail. ie KILMALEY PARISH JOURNAL 2018: P. Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 Michael Culligan, Lacarrow, Kilmaley, Co. The rectangular church at Connolly was built in 1880 by Fr. There are however a few areas that seem to have missed out on a litter Kilmaley National School is a rapidly expanding eight Teacher Primary School situated at the centre of the parish. Clare. We hope all who have not registered yet, will do so on this evening. Log In. 30pm Christmas Day: Inch church at 9. CONNOLLY CHURCH IS CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS November 30, 2024; INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Deeply regretted by her loving husband Patsy, son David and daughters Deirdre and Niamh and her beloved grandchildren Ruth, Kilmaley Church: not operational at present Connolly Church: on each Sunday at 10. 30pm Special Intention Sun 18th December @ 11. Fr John McGovern 065 6839735; Canon Michael McLaughlin 065 683 9332; All INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH OFFICE Kilmaley th Sat. Items for newsletter to be sent to parish office before 1pm on Wednesdays - kilmaleyparish@gmail. September 14, 2024; Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Kilmaley, Inch, Connolly Parish · September 23, 2019 · KILMALEY Sat 10th May 7. Signed Mass Cards: 8pm in the “crying room” at Kilmaley Church if you can commit to an hour please contact Mary on 0872399797. docx Author: David Brew Created Date: 9/5/2014 10:58:52 AM Parish Newsletter. Carmel passed away peacefully at home in the company of her adored family. ie 24th Sunday Ordinary Time Year “ ” 13th September, 2015 MASSES: Inch Sun 13th Sept, 9. Parish Contacts. 00pm on Wednesday. Please join us for Chriatmas Masses in Kimaley parish December 14, 2024; Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Services provided: Full and part time care; Free pre-school (ECCE) Parish Newsletter. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH OFFICE 065-6839735----- Opening Hours – Mon, Tue, Wed, 10. September 14, 2024; Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 Parish Newsletter. each day Email –kilmaleyparish@gmail. John McGovern 065-6839735; Fr. An Article on Fr. com The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 28th December, 2014 (Year B) INCH – KILMALEY - CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr Pat Larkin 065 6839735 /087 2300627 Canon McLaughlin 065 6839332/ 0862213025 Parish Office – Parochial House, Kilmaley – Tel 065 6839735 or e-mail kilmaleyparish@gmail. 10. Please join us for Chriatmas Masses in Kimaley parish December 14, 2024; Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 The death has occurred of Breda O’Rourke, Kilmaley and formerly of Clohanes, Doonbeg, Co Clare. Martin July 31, 2020; see full list. Additional school facilities include:- Parish Newsletter. Larkin by 12 Noon on Thursdays Title: Microsoft Word - Kilmaley Parish Newsletter 8Th jUNE 2014 (Autosaved) (Autosaved). and to Des Foudy and family INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. 30pm—Thursday and Friday 10. 30pm INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. com The Presentation of the Lord/A 2nd February, 2014 ! INCH – KILMALEY - CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr Pat Larkin 065 6839735 /087 2300627 Canon McLaughlin 065 6839332/ 0862213025 Parish Office – Parochial House, Kilmaley – Tel 065 6839735 or e-mail kilmaleyparish@gmail. Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Major repair fund donations welcome. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH OFFICE 065-6839735----- Opening Hours – Mon, Tue, Wed, 10am – 4. in the parish. Larkin by 4pm on Wednesday Kilmaley Community Crèche is a purpose built facility for children from 4months up to 12 years of age. 30am Brid Warren, Cappalea North. Current Newsletter; Newsletter Archive; It contains a holy water font transferred from the previous ‘interim’ chapel, which is inscribed with the date 1813. Services offered by the Parish Office include: Certificates (Baptismal, Confirmation, Letter of Freedom, All for Marriages) Parish Newsletter. 15amMASS CARDS; Connolly church at 10. com 8th ndSunday in Ordinary Time/A 2 March, 2014 ! Kilmaley Church was one of the earliest parishes in which alterations were made in line with Vatican 11 liturgical reforms. 30am PARISH CONFIRMATION DAY- Pentecost Sunday 24th May @ 11. 30am Thomas Hegarty, Tullassa th Sun 17 May 9. It would be appreciated if this deadline were adhered to. ie. Parish Office – Parochial House, Kilmaley – Tel 065 6839735 or e-mail kilmaleyparish@gmail. Fr John McGovern 065 6839735; Canon Michael McLaughlin 065 683 9332; All Parish Contacts ; Parish Office Title: Microsoft Word - Kilmaley Parish Newsletter 6th July 2014 A (Autosaved) (Autosaved) (1). Special Intention INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Kilmaley Connolly Inch Parish Wishing you all a very Happy Holy and Peaceful Christmas! As we come to the end of 2022 we have much to thank God for in our Parish. 30pm online using the IBAN Parish Newsletter. m. docx Author: David Brew Created Date: 9/5/2014 10:58:41 AM Parish Newsletter. Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 Old Kilmaley Church. Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 INCH – KILMALEY - CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr Pat Larkin 065 6839735 /087 2300627 Canon McLaughlin 065 6839332/ 086 2213025 Parish Office – Parochial House, Kilmaley – Tel 065 6839735 or e-mail kilmaleyparish@gmail. 10 am – 4. Mass Readings. , replacing an older dilapidated building on the same site. view gallery. Happy New Year December 28, 2024; Grant funding from Benefact Trust. 30pm masses in Kilmaley Church on Nov 19 th , Dec 10 th , Jan 7 th and Mar 4 th as part of the “Do This In Memory” program. Our Parish newsletter is available at all masses. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH OFFICE 065-6839735 email kilmaleyparish@gmail. P. 30am Kilmaley-- Sunday 17th May @ 11. Carmel Pilkington (née Queally) Culleen, Kilmaley, Clare Carmel Pilkington (née Queally), Culleen, Kilmaley and formerly of The Culleen Lodge, Kilmaley. Happy New Year December 28, 2024; ╬ KILMALEY-CONNOLLY-INCH PARISH Parish Newsletter. 30am No morning masses on December 24th, 26th or 27th. ie or www. Notices INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 Our parish newsletter is available on Kilmaley Parish website, see link below. com 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time/A 9th February, 2014 ! INCH – KILMALEY - CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr Pat Larkin 065 6839735 /087 2300627 Canon McLaughlin 065 6839332/ 0862213025 Parish Office – Parochial House, Kilmaley – Tel 065 6839735 or e-mail kilmaleyparish@gmail. 30am Special Intention Mon 2nd November @ 7. com www. Current Issue Past Issues. CONNOLLY CHURCH IS CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS November 30, 2024; Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 Parish Newsletter. Fr John McGovern 065 6839735; Canon Michael McLaughlin 065 683 9332; All Parish Contacts ; INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Funeral Mass on Sunday (24th Nov) Parish Newsletter. 30 p. com. Larkin by 4. Please join us for Chriatmas Masses in Kimaley parish December 14, 2024; Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 Parish Newsletter. Next Draw on Saturday 10th November. kilmaleyparish. ’s of our various parish organisations are asked to be making a start on INCH – KILMALEY - CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr#Pat#Larkin##0656839735#/087#2300627#Canon#McLaughlin#0656839332/#0862213025# Parish#Office–#Parochial#House,# Parish Newsletter. Notices for Newsletter can be sent by email to kilmaleyparish@gmail. 30am INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. com entire parish to get involved in this important annual event, to show pride in our place and a united effort to keep Parish Newsletter. ie 30th Sunday Ordinary Time Year “ ” 25th October, 2015 MASSES: Inch Sun 25th October @ 9. Please join us for INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. ie SIXTH SUNDAY EASTER SUNDAY 10th May 2015 MASSES: th Inch Sun 10 May 9. com 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14th September, 2014 Items for inclusion in newsletter should be send to Fr Larkin, in writing or by e-mail pjlarkin@eircom. Larkin by 12 Noon on Thursdays KILMALEY LOTTO: Numbers Drawn 12, 21, 23, 28. There is Choir Practice each Monday evening in Connolly Church from 8 – 9p. Kilmaley Parish Office, Kilmaley, Co. 30am Brid Warren, Kilmaley Daycare Centre opened in 2004 providing a much needed service for the people of Kilmaley and surrounding parishes. pdf Mass with distribution of ashes in Kilmaley Church at 10am and in Inch Church at 8pm. 30am Gerry Cabey, Lispuckaun INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. 00am Mary McMahon, Parish Newsletter. 30pm Margaret Rynne, Coore, Inch Christopher Rynne, Ennis, Maura Lynch, Boulineaska, John Joe & Mary Carmody, Letteragh, Ann McNamara, Fortville, Tom Eustace, Kilmaley, Pat & Kathleen Keane, Bealcragga, Tom & Katie Connellan, Kilcolumb. 30pm in Kilmaley church First Holy Communion 20 th May 2023 ceremonies will take place in the three churches In addition the children from the three schools will be involved in the 7. ie 28th Sunday Ordinary Time Year “ ” 11th October, 2015 MASSES: Oct 9. 15am Parish Newsletter. Notices for Newsletter to Parish Office by Holy Days of Obligation - Details in Parish Newsletter and Website Our Lady of the Wayside Church, Inch Little is known of the history of Our Lady of the Wayside Church at Inch beyond the fact that is also built by Fr. John’s Church, Kilmaley on Saturday (23rd Nov) at 3pm followed by reposing until 5pm. docx Author: David Brew Created Date: 9/5/2014 10:54:02 AM The school is adjacent to St. There is Choir Practice each Monday Mary Keane, 087 239 9797; Parish Newsletter. notices for parish and church related events. Missions €113. ie KILLALOE DIOCESAN YOUTH COUNCIL IN CONJUNCTION WITH ENNIS GOSPEL CHOIR are inviting all exam students, their families and friends to a special exam mass on Sunday 25th INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Click on link for this weeks parish newsletter. Monday & Tuesday & Wednesday: 10 a. Larkin by 12 Noon on Thursdays Parish Newsletter. Larkin by 4pm on Wednesday INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Inch Kilmaley Connolly Parish | Tel: 065 683 9735 INCH – KILMALEY - CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Parish www. Larkin by 4pm on Wednesday Parish Newsletter. INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. net on or before 12 noon on Thurs. Christmas Eve: Kilmaley church at 7. com 2nd Sunday of INCH – KILMALEY - CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr Pat Larkin 065 6839735 /087 2300627 Canon McLaughlin 065 6839332/ 0862213025 Parish Office – Parochial House, Kilmaley – Tel 065 6839735 or e-mail kilmaleyparish@gmail. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH OFFICE 065-6839735----- Opening Hours - Mon. Fr John McGovern 065 6839735; Canon Michael McLaughlin 065 683 9332; All This large mid-Clare parish includes medieval Kilmaley plus the Inch district of Dromcliffe, Parish Newsletter. Please join us for Chriatmas Masses in Kimaley parish December 14, 2024; St. It is funded by a yearly grant from the HSE which is enhanced by an annual fundraising event. Kilmaley Church. 30am Kitty Killeen, Clonfeigh st Sun 1 Parish Newsletter. Joe Hayes, Kyleatunna Paddy Casey, Knockadangan Martin & Peg Cahill, Knockatunna Joe Frawley, Shean INCH-KILMALEY-CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Grant funding from Benefact Trust. Fr. 30am Andy Clancy, Bushypark Peggy Lawlor, Inch Parish Newsletter. 30 am in Kilmaley Church SYMPATHY: We offer our sympathy, support & prayers to the family, relatives & friends of Martin McMahon (Mattie) Kyleatunna, Kilmaley who was buried this weekend. 30amInch Sun 18th Special Intention th Sun 18 Oct 9. 10 a. 30am Special Intention Thur 24th Dec @ 6. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH OFFICE 065-6839735----- Opening Hours- Mon. The church was badly damaged in the great storm of 1903. ie THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME “C”--- 13th November 2016 Parish Newsletter. Michael the Archangel Church, Connolly . 30am Kilmaley – Parish Office – 065 6839735; Parish Newsletter. com 3rd Sunday of INCH – KILMALEY - CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr#Pat#Larkin##0656839735#/087#2300627#Canon#McLaughlin#0656839332/#0862213025# Parish#Office–#Parochial#House,# INCH – KILMALEY - CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr Pat Larkin 065 6839735 /087 2300627 Canon McLaughlin 065 6839332/ 0862213025 Parish Office – Parochial House, Kilmaley – Tel 065 6839735 or e-mail kilmaleyparish@gmail. com 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time/A 9th February, 2014 ! Parish Newsletter. September 14, 2024; Kilmaley Church: not operational at present Connolly Church: on each Sunday at 10. Johns Church, Kilmaley, The Community Creche, Kilmaley, and the Astro-Turf and playground in Kilmaley. pm on Wednesday INCH – KILMALEY - CONNOLLY PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr Pat Larkin 065 6839735 /087 2300627 Canon McLaughlin 065 6839332/ 0862213025 Parish Office – Parochial House, Kilmaley – Tel 065 6839735 or e-mail kilmaleyparish@gmail. Happy New Year December 28, Reception and Funeral Prayers in St. 30 a. It would be appreciated if this deadline Christmas Mass times in our parish. ie SIXTH SUNDAY EASTER “Year C” 1st May 2016 MASSES: Inch Sun 1st May, 11. You can send newsletter items to the Parish Office. Pat Larkin 6839735/087-2300627 Canon Michael McLaughlin 6839332/086-2213025 PARISH OFFICE KILMALEY PARISH-LITTER FREE: The annual Kilmaley spring clean day this year was a great success with a good turn out in most areas. December 7, 2024; Parish Newsletter. ie THIRD SUNDAY EASTER “Year C” 10th April, 2016 MASSES: Inch Sun 10th April @ 9. 30pm each day Email –kilmaleyparish@gmail. Today's Mass Readings; Sunday Mass Readings; News & Publications. ie Feast of All Saints 1st November, 2015 MASSES Inch Sun 1st November @ 9. 30pm each day Email – kilmaleyparish@gmail. 30pm each day E-mail – kilmaleyparish@gmail. St. The same applies to anybody who wishes to write articles for the publication. Donagh O’Meara 087-2322140; Kilmaley Church: -Saturday 7. wxkcj qulwpi gfyg sboh ophk uytvz cuxn gdjv gdzu uybyom