
I feel like a boring girlfriend reddit. I never feel like I belong.

I feel like a boring girlfriend reddit I honestly have no fucking idea what that girl was looking for. I enjoy the my life. I get away with it by being kind and keeping them talking about their Thing. Hi theanimegoat, it seems like you might be looking for anime recommendations! I have changed the flair on your post to indicate that, but if I'm wrong, feel free to change it back! The users of this subreddit came up with an awesome recommendations flowchart. You just have to try out different subjects and different strategies. Right now, I feel like I'm just living to die. I can't help but feel like I'm a little lazy and boring. In a way, I feel like dating her would allow me to get out more. Ok so first off "boring" might not be the best word, but I can't think of a better one. if you really like her, take the time to try to find things you're mutually interested in. I've talked to her about it and shell just say "you don't need it" When we do have sex I have to kiss and seduce her for 20 minutes every time before she's ready (I don't actually always mind this but I mind that it is never reciprocated. Have any of you dated girls who didn't talk much? We really feel in love and didn’t have any intention staying togheter but we couldn’t just let it go. Its the first time that I feel like I actually talk more than my date. Oh man, I feel ya, OP, because my father is just like your girlfriend. I feel transparent, invisible, forgettable, and indeed often forgotten. Mary is my top girl’s name. If you feel it in your stomach them that's more about you and how that person makes you feel loved. How do I handle this situation? This post here needs to be higher. ^ Didn't feel too bad for Eriri though cause she betrayed him twice and then "boasted" about how he forgave her both times. I have a girlfriend that I've been dating for a bit now and i message her things like "i love you" "i treasure you" "you're perfect" but honestly they are just empty words. my SO and I go to the gym together, go record shopping together, try new restaurants together, etc. It’s possible he’s an introvert and just feels comfortable enough around you not to feel like he needs to “make conversation. I did a 40 hour fast and got some probiotics in me. Honeymoon phase or not, I never had that feeling with the current girl. It might sound like a pedantic difference, but it’s important. It’s not quite the same as you describe, because the differences were more in the past than in the present. The relief is so obvious when someone else walks in the room and they don't have to talk to just me anymore. My first was a girl I was with in high school (I had a bit of a dry spell). The more I talk with her, the more I feel myself missing something. Just remember she chose you. i’ve posted before but i don’t feel like i got good replies on how i can be better / not look so mid LOL. I just find texting really boring. You can find stability with someone you don't feel this way about, just don't settle until you It gets a lot easier in uni just from the sheer number of people there are bound to be people like you. And when I do say something, it's usually incredible short because I feel like that person is surely getting bored with what I'm saying. This is 100% the correct answer. His friend is telling him to ease up and learn to cohabitate. I think this is common in people who feel like they don’t deserve their partner or that their partner is better than them in some way like being more attractive. She has changed a lot. You’ll feel that shit pull downwards from your heart. So, maybe not look at my case but in general what makes a boring boyfriend. Sure can! You think you're very funny but NO ONE at the table laughed at your stupid ass jokes. All the best. Feel like I'm connecting. I've read a lot on how "being myself" and letting her be interested in me is the way to go. Tell her that it needs to change. I think you're being selfish. just get better. Edit: I just want to say thank you to all of the kind responses I have gotten. My ex and I found it boring to text after a while, so we swapped to video call at the end of each day most times. He talks at (not to) you for twenty minutes about something you have no interest in, endlessly repeats himself (you can finish his sentences for him and he still keeps doing it), and even though he talks so loudly that the whole house can hear him, he has to go to each In 10 years, are you going to feel like you’ve grown out of loving the person she is? Will she grow into a person you’re more fulfilled by? Don’t marry someone just because you’re comfortable. Maybe you can find something there that you'll like ^. BUT he is a friendly guy who cares about family and sporadically drives me to my appointments/picks me up from work When she doesn't ask any questions in a conversation. I don't do much or go anywhere. Also how old was that furniture dude? Was your couch actually a futon? You are pushing 30. The last girl I went out on 5 dates with called me out on it. Well, a common situation is that the man really loves his girl so he decides to work really long hours for an expensive wedding ring, expensive wedding/honeymoon etc Resentment builds up because she feels neglected and not a priority so she starts looking for attention elsewhere as she is bored. Despite this, my girlfriend always complains we don't text enough. I (27M) have been with my girlfriend (28F) for a bit over two years, and we've been living together for like a year. Just takes time man. I agree, I feel like people are so one dimensional these days, and a lot of people in college just do the same thing every weekend. But its hard for me to come up with fun things to do because I'm very introverted and generally stay home. But they like(d) me and I liked their stories. Recently, one of my friends said I was "interesting" and I was genuinely shocked. I feel like the most telling part is that his best friend is siding with the gf. I feel so boring in comparison. who also is very outgoing and experienced a lot. make a change in your like. Only after you have seen her a few times and could be considered "dating" would I advise you to text her like a conversation. You need to sit her down tell her how you feel and that she never listens to what you have to say, give her the examples and tell her it makes you feel like she doesn’t care what you have to say. I’ve gotten comments about being really “wholesome. I'm new to Reddit so I dunno how this works. At this point I don't feel like the relationship matters anymore. As a result, my dates are too serious and I feel like a boring guy. When I say things sometimes, people ask me questions in a way that makes it seem like I didn’t make any sense. Any other time I'd say the girl isn't interested but she agrees to subsequent dates so I think she is just on the shy side. He HATES talking to people, which is great because I like being the center of attention and don't have time for someone stealing my spot light. I'm about to see her in person in about a month, but I feel like I'm not as excited anymore. My family doesn't even really give a shit. The only thing I'm not comfortable with is my shitty dead-end job, and I've gone back to school to remedy that. Within 5 min she unmatched me. But once the relationship starts, I feel like it is supposed to shift to something else. I suffer from Social Anxiety & feel like I am too boring and shy to get a Girlfriend. I think it's because I can't find a girlfriend, so I spend my life alone, I am becoming lonelier by the day, so I focus on logical and serious subjects. [M36] I have never had a girlfriend before, Still a virgin and I feel like I will never find someone Although the rest of my life is going great and I have a job which makes me around 6 figures a year (or close enough) but I just feel so lonely, All my school friends are married with kids now while I just feel like I'm being left on the shelf. It's not perfect, but I'd take it over what my friends are doing. I recently started college and wanted to let you know that you’re definitely not the only “boring” college student. It’s supposed to feel like home not a horror movie. People don't notice me, rarely address me specifically, and I feel like I'm not making a difference by being there. It gets to a point where I don't even want to hang out with him because we don't do anything or really talk. For most of my life I didn't do much other than watch YouTube, play with toys, go outside, and out to eat for most of my childhood and early teen years. So it's not like ONLY your girlfriend finds you boring, unfunny, unattractive and worthless, everyone does. I find myself boring, but I keep myself busy with phone games, reading reddit, school, and my own personal life. I as in band and am in Choir. The only action i find that makes a girl boring is if she likes watching bad reality TV (like jersey shore). Maybe you should focus on self-development, learning how to create an exciting life for you and your girlfriend. I hope I want feel like that for while cause relationship is complicated. So my girlfriend and I have been together for about 7 months. I have dated many different people and it all ended with me breaking up with them, i feel like i should be guilty but in all honesty i feel nothing. And in those 7 months I've been sitting back and reflecting on myself in my free time. I don’t think you should “force yourself” to be with anyone who makes you unhappy or who makes you feel like being yourself is not enough. I-, well, kinda the opposite. But feeling love for another is experienced in the chest. I feel like im taking the lead on all our activities - that you mostly dont want to join me for, and all our conversations. For a little background, we met about 7 months ago and it was like a fairytale love-at-first-sight moment. I understand how you feel, completely, but you may just need to change your method of communication. The real answer is: embrace the boring. try to find a new TV show you can watch together or find an activity you both like. Typical stuff. I’ve never been someone who is so social but with the pandemic going on, everything is so much worse. It seems every girl I talk to has traveled, and done what they want with their life on their time. Maybe you're fascinated by people: a humanist who feels like they're not contributing. Maybe 1/10 times she will do doggy. I feel like im a boring person and cannot make my girlfriend laugh. Like i imagine a conversation like a ping pong game. I went to Carnagie Hall and performed for a program. true. I feel like my hobbies and passions don't interest anyone. To be honest, I don't live an exciting life and I find entertainment in the simple things. It was a feeling I had for, I'd say, 90% of the time her and I were together. Get that totally. I am male and had a similar feeling as yours when I was your age with my girlfriend back then. I just find texting her boring. ” Kind of like I wasn’t exciting enough or didn’t made them feel a spark. But I cannot do that. Rather than “my girlfriend is boring”, what is a far fairer reflection of the situation would be to say: “I am bored by my girlfriend” Or “I am feeling bored when I’m with my girlfriend”. I never have anything to talk about and our face times are just boring and usually quiet. Plus, the grammar in this question was just horrific and I'm angry. I feel like I can't give her the amount of love she needs. It’s normal to feel like this. I can’t explain why, I just like it. I’ve been with my girlfriend for a year, she is the second woman I’ve dated and been sexual with. Best advice I can give is get to know people, try to ignore the feelings. I want my happiness back. I'm just as boring, I don't have all kinds of friends (actually, I'm at the point in my life my only friends are ones we share), and the only time my phone notifies me someone messaged me is because of her. Plus, she's clearly trying to bang her friend's boyfriend. So, I feel like I’ve ruined my life. I also like educating myself on stuff which comes up sometimes but once again, most ppl dont care about linguistics and therozing about language and gender conversations, feminist topics, neither mental health / psychology or biology, so these rarely factor to why ppl like being around me, just seems i'm entertaining despite being relatively A lot of what I do is pretty arguably 'boring' and pedestrian in itself, like messing around with a guitar trying to write something or watching videos online or gaming or lifting heavy weight. My wife and I are quite boring. Lately though, I’ve been feeling like our relationship is kind of dying, When we first got married it was the best thing ever. I get that slight sense of anxiety I feel just before I think a girl is going to break up with me. I really want to do this advice, but I'm a genuinely boring person. It's like we are hanging out just for the sake of sitting in the room together, not because we want to be there. Certified sex therapists can help in so many situations involving sexual and romantic intimacy and with post traumatic symptoms related to sexual trauma - both physical and psychological. I just constantly feel like apologising to all my friends for being so socially incompetent. Once again, thank you all!! Then for like 3-4 it's BORING and DEAD. I love her as a person. How did you guys like the series though? I like my girlfriend a lot but I just find texting her really boring. The only things she ever really talks about is work and family. That’s what I was working on in therapy. kinda ditched my friends. Think about from a different perspective, if you are REALLY into a girl, it doesn't matter if she texts you or calls you or whatever, you just want to TDLR: I feel like my BF fished me in with love bombing and now has become a boring, inattentive shell for a person who only cares about himself, work and his mum. I never feel like I belong. But I'm not boring. Okay, allow me to explain. So how do I end it without hurting her feelings too much? Like everything makes sense to me I don’t rly have that desire to argue or bounce ideas off ppl or make jokes I’m like too at peace. 47 votes, 44 comments. The only difference for me is I have no real friends and no one ever reaches out and checks in with me. Love extends from the heart and feels like a swelling warmth in that general region. I personally don't care for texting much, maybe one or two a day as I'd rather a phone call. learn new things. Stop worrying though, binge watch New Girl or something Yes I’m interested but I feel the burden to text them back. It flows back and forth. Always before a trip, I feel anxious about leaving, like I'm not prepared enough. Everything was going well, I have noticed small changes and I thought I was really going somewhere. You feel comfortable and safe. Texting all of the time is not sustainable. Keep being a good fellow, and add to that by being more interesting -- if you feel like it, that is. I'm going to go against the grain here, it takes the same harem direction you see in other harems, it's just more self aware and fans like the main girl(tm) more in this one because of the meta play on main girl being boring/average. Otherwise its a lack of interests that makes her boring, I would rather be somewhat confused by a girl who is passionately talking about her hobby, than be bored by a girl who has none. My girlfriend and all but 1 of my friends are so boring. I genuinely feel like I rarely have anything interesting to say. I feel like anyone that actually spent a day with me would find me boring. I feel like I'm just making excuses but I'm not sure what else to do. That is what my fiancé and I do the days we don’t text much or at all we are constantly sending just Snapchat’s of our face with no words just so that I still feel like I have attention I guess cause I over think a lot and by being able to see his face it calms me My friends, well, old friends, thought I was boring. There are just so many fascinating things out there in the world, and I want to learn about all of it. Never once have I ever felt “bored” in my relationship. Lately his sex drive and free time have dwindled a lot so I feel extra bummed out. I feel like the recency of your prior relationship when you got with the new gf might be impacting your perception of the relationship. She was my world, and now it's all gone. I don't want the boring stuff that most people like. I want to love someone I just got back home from a party with my schoolmates and I feel like I am a mess. If you think you're boring because they tell you that you're boring, that's a problem. Me (25/M) girlfriend (25/F) This might be a long one So, a few days ago I found out that my girlfriend keeps like a diary but… She's a very talented girl, with a very enthusiastic approach to the things she likes. She is just not good at conversation for me. But when I’m around other people I feel like the most boring person alive and shut down completely. Honestly feels like there is something wrong with me. "I dont feel like we do anything fun together anymore. I've been called boring so I'll use that word. I do feel a bit lonely sometimes, but it doesn't bother me. I’ve always been so busy, so goddamn busy. It’s like I forget who I am. She is really sweet and I really like her but I want her to open up and talk more. Everytime someone says that to me, I immediately get imposter syndrome as I am pretty much a hermit who doesn't do "fun" activities like partying or bar hopping. We immediately hit it off as we had a lot of interests in common but enough differences that we weren't like exact clones of each other. Personally i didn't enjoy it. You are just a tube with arms and legs and parts. . It feels more like a chore than fun. Any Advice would be great. That tube needs a healthy amount of good bacteria and a healthy amount of time to digest, repair, and rest. Sorry if this was an incoherent mess. To me the romantic parts aren't really standing out (though some individual scenes still shines), but the best parts of the series come from all those funny parodies on the process of making light novels, visual novels and creative works, from the very pen of an author who made one of the most famous romance VNs of the past decade (White Album 2 Here’s the thing — if this girl (who sounds like an immature loser btw) can make you feel so good, imagine what a decent interesting person can do to you? You’ll be on cloud nine. Like never. Edit: grammar If she is like that then maybe just send blank snapchats to each other that way she is still getting “attention” to say. I have. Sometimes I'd end up browsing the Forever Alone However, lately I feel like I'm just boring to hang out with, and too whiny because I've had a lot of things come up in my life recently. So she says that I should do something to make the relationship more fun and interesting before it all fades away. I get people are busy and sometimes don’t have the money to do things but it feels like all everyone wants to do is wake up work eat and go to sleep on repeat every day. This barely resembles any of that but it just feels like it's going to happen because of what's stated above. But I wanted to ask if this is something I should work on it change to be better in my relationship. Let me know if there is a better subreddit for this please. getting a job. I have interesting thoughts and hobbies and I can think of things that make me laugh and I dance and sing and play when I’m alone. I can't do the stuff she does, I'm very uncreative and I feel just plain boring. I feel really vulnerable, and the uncertainly makes me feel uneasy. The Mental strain is just to much. But then the key is to determine what kind of love it is (the Greeks identified 6-7 types)? I'm 16, male, from Ontario, Canada. Sounds like you've probably never met a person you truly loved so you don't k ow what that feels like, because when you find it- REALLY find it- you won't get bored. if you’re thirty and have been doing the same things for a while there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that That is possible. I suffer from anxiety and being around that many people is exhausting. Especially if you get so shaky and have nothing to talk about. If you are unwilling to confront her in a meaningful way as in tell her with out sugarcoating it won’t change. Most women I feel don’t find me attractive or interesting because I’d rather stay inside than go force myself out the door to drink / party. (Could be that I'm the boring one from her point of view, bring up all these boring topics she doesn't like) I just feel too boring to even entertain people around me. I don't feel like he's as passionate about sex as I am at all even though he's good at it. It's like no one finds me exciting enough to This feeling of being boring only happens when I'm with this group of people, but in like class or other situations like randomly talking to people on the streets, I don't feel the same way, I'm always relaxed and the convos flow naturally. But once I'm on the trip, I feel energized, stimulated, and enriched by everything around me. please be straightforward with ways i can tell if i am boring, how to stop being boring and any other ways i can see why i struggle with these things. I'm just starting to feel lonely. Prolly gonna rewatch it sometime though cause I feel like I missed some important stuff about Utaha and Eriri's love or affection for Tomoya. I don't like my voice so I speak rarely and when I do, very softly. It pains me because she's a very nice as a person and stunningly beautiful, but it's just not enough, the deep connection I need is becoming more and more like a dream. She always tells me that she can't wait to spend more time with me. Both times I had been ghosted for maybe a week or two and then was broken up with over text or facetime. I feel like we've become stuck in a rut and run out of things to do. We went out with a few friends last night, and my girlfriend stayed over at my place. Like dating a girl that argues with you every day, breaks up here and there, acts shady and cheats on you, so you can't sleep etc. Just stuff you like. But he's sweet, kind, handsome (don't try to tell him that), and attentive. we might have It's just that I'm a boring guy who has boring conversations because I do boring stuff. My Gf(14) and i(14) have been in a relationship for around half a year and everything’s been going really good, everyone in her family likes me, her friends like me, my family likes her, my friends like her, everything seems great, but I feel I’m to boring for her, when we are together we don’t do much, we can never be fully alone because she has over protective parents, but I don’t recently i felt like this. I also feel like I am annoying my friends. If the feelings are still there and nothing they’ve done has killed that feeling, you may actually like them. I just have an issue. When talking with somebody, my brain is always racing to find something good to say and it simply never comes. It just feels weird to me like I don’t feel like I fit into those situations / it feels like nothing to me . Sometimes there's no wind and you're stuck on the sea and there's nothing you can do, so don't waste your energy. I feel like I might as well be living on another planet on my own. I could be talking to someone and I would realize they have tuned me out. She used to spend most of her time with me rather than her friends, but now it's different. And I don't feel like I'm changing myself for any particular person (with the exception of myself), I just want to be more exciting to more people. When I’m with my husband I feel safe, I don’t get butterflies but I get a gentle warmth in my chest. no interests. I tend to stay quiet in conversations and often feel like I lose my audience’s attention easily. As for killing myself, you're half-right. I want a challenge that changes or inspires me in some way. Most women won’t want to date me because I was willing to use a prostitute. It's just that I'm a boring guy who has boring conversations because I do boring stuff. She also says that she feels like she's the one trying to do things to keep it fresh whereas recently I don't really remember anything that she did or wanted to do with me. Remember that women just like men tend to express their true self when they feel invested and comfortable (rapport). I’m not 100% sure what that is but I feel like there is a difference between the talking stage and the dating stage it seems like you know why you're bored- a lack of common interest to engage the two of you together. I've come to see that I'm not a very interesting individual. I just want to be able to talk and laugh with someone. She was my second girlfriend and the first (and only) girl I ever had sex with. Because of this I feel like i can’t even “entertain” them by telling them about my life because it’s so boring in comparison. 61 votes, 43 comments. I do have confidence in myself, but I always imagined a girl with her personality and life experiences would want someone. I'm only 20 and I've felt like this, I'm a IT student and love gaming so I'm always on my pc, and then don't go out much, and prefer staying in to be on my pc rather than going out, so I feel I'd be boring for a relationship. Because I feel the same way you do (at least similar) and I somehow speculate and feel if I followed those little desires in my head, those little wantings that are not polite, I would be more honest and vulnerable and people would start reaching out to me. Theres no sauce when it comes to texting. Also I felt as if this was the best place to put this. I've read so many posts just like this but everyone is in a different situation, including me. Try not to micromanage every single thing. This cant continue. I want to change, but I don't know how to, and I don't want to be stuck like this forever. Some days the thought of harming myself scares me. You play of off each other. Like what am I supposed to say to “what does your day look like” or “how’s your day” that’d even be interesting. Mar 15, 2024 · There’s actually no such thing as boring. Truth be told, you aren't falling that hard if you get bored after short periods of time. But, I know there are boring girls out there, just like me. I like the idea of having a girlfriend, I like the status of being a couple. I normally just like staying home in silence either playing games or picking up random skills. I do think my life is boring, but I'm also comfortable with it if that makes any sense. Like I can text other people all day everyday and it's actually fun, but texting my girlfriend is so depressing and boring. I don't feel like cracking jokes anymore. It helped us have a genuine conversation, and a meaningful goodnight. I never felt like I was a boring person, but lately I feel like I run out of things to talk about or ideas on fun things to do. Sounds like even his friends think he lives like a bachelor stereotype. My fiancée is just like you, except 32. I love spending time with her. I feel like this all the time. Time to at least put some money into Ikea. doing things like walking my dog everyday. She physically very attractive to me, and a kind person. She said maybe the reason I don’t feel like it’s the same is because she is gotten so used to it, and that she said she realized she has gotten so used to us being together she has been putting less of an effort and told me she will do better. Is this normal? Currently, I'm so bored with him. There are days where I don't even feel like texting her because the conversation we gonna have is going to be the same as the day before. Other boring names I like: Girls: Anne, Angharad, Seren, Bethan, Amy, Nia, Lily, Megan, Lisa, and Rachel I am a 17 year old girl, I often struggle with feeling worthy and like I am an interesting person. I love her a lot and I have so much respect for her. Nature I guess She gets so distracted with her social friends that she doesn't even consider how I would feel when she gets too friendly to boys. Today we just stayed in bed all day, watching a movie, acting silly, etc. I like talking to people, making them laugh and just brightening the mood. Marriage is too complicated to just say suck up these feelings and soldier on I think. Because you can absolutely just be bored of her (especially after six months) without necessarily comparing her to the last relationship, at least without comparing to that extent. To her, maybe it feels like she only hears "no"s or neutral going-along-with-things when what she's really hoping for is some enthusiastic initiation. It also doesn't help that all characters feel like they are anime characters, except the MC and the "boring" girl which feel like actual people. ” They said it in a complimentary tone, but it always felt like it had an underlying meaning of, “you’re too boring for me. I feel like it's either just her having something to say about herself or briefly responding to whatever I say with a one liner. So I feel like I have the most boringest girlfriend ever. After a lot of reflection I think I have to let her go. I'm never able to spit something out that I feel someone else would be interested in hearing. At the end of the day I like thinking hat still, she will eventually text me back and that I'll get to talk to her once more. When I was with the other girl, I felt like she wanted to have sex with me. Introversion fools us in this way: it's always an uphill battle for me to feel like I'm carrying my end of a conversation. We're not bettering ourselves or each other this way. Sure, there’s a honeymoon phase and that tends to fade after time, but the love never dies (only gets stronger) and the excitement of spending everyday together forever is still just as exciting as it ever was. We have never really fought (when either of us gets angry, the other chills and we try our best to help cool the situation, but even that's very rare, has happened maybe three times in the whole 2 years). The problem is all the boring women are at home doing their boring hobbies, quite content in their rut, but would also like to find a nice boring guy to keep them company while you live your boring lives together. I feel like your body just knows for some reason. It's kind of like what people say about taking showers: you don't want to go in, but once you do, you Now she wants to go every other weekend. Boy I saw every comment you make on this thread and I feel sorry for the pain that you have, it does get better, you just have to be willing to better your life and that is a choice that only you can make, maybe you arent responsable for the break up but you are responsable for not doing anything about it to better yourself, you are the only one lying here, soley to stay in a comfortable place She is a lovely girl who is smart and caring, gifts me things, but I feel like I need some time without her and when I do try to tell her, she just starts crying and telling me how I don't love her. But herein lies the problem. "Boring" to me is more someone who I just can't talk to, where there's no chemistry and we don't click together. not letting myself sit in bed. You guys are so helpful and this advice is really helping me. She’s an asshole, she doesn’t deserve your energy, you’ll be quite surprised in a year or two when you’re happily dating someone so much better. I'm not necessarily saying that's a bad thing as those should be priorities, but I feel you can only talk about those both for so long before it starts I(M30) find my girlfriend (F28) really boring and bad at conversation. She's really a Great girl: beautiful, smart and funny, but i feel Like, maybe, I don't want a relationship. Conversations with her are not boring, but they are not funny either. The thing is though, whenever she goes back home, I feel very sad, and lonely. We are doing long distance and we don’t regret it. It’s not always wildly passionate with high highs and low lows, some people call that exciting, I call it exhausting. ” I totally understand how this can make you incompatible - but I don’t think you should take it as he doesn’t care or isn’t curious. There is no good answer to this but you need to process the doubts you have. If that is my downfall, then so be it, I'll be single for the rest of my life. I met my wife when we were 18. Hi guys, I'm a 30M and After six months in a relationship with my girlfriend (31F) I'm starting to ask myself if i really want to continue or to break up. I feel like I’m not exciting enough for people to be excited about me as a partner. Take it as a compliment, because it is. I wish someone would’ve told me that if they make you nervous they might not be the one. You might even feel like you’re about to tear up a little. It’s also been rough on my dating life also. It seems like everyone else just connects with others so much better than I do. I felt like my relationship was boring and didnt have the passion I was craving. kinda starting a buisness. Texting is just too boring and mundane to keep a girl's interest. Seth is my top boy’s name. As the title suggests, me and my girlfriend feel like our relationship is getting boring. Rly enjoyed the series though. I dont feel like we're connecting. So, she may not express her "interesting" sides simply because she, just like you, feel uninterested in the conversations and the overall interactions. It's just a cycle, and I hate it. I just finished both seasons a few days ago. But it just doesnt do with her. Don't fight it. I hope it wasn't, because I want that feeling again so bad. I mean, I don't sit on my bum and watch Netflix all day every day (not that there's anything wrong with resting once in a while), but really I spend most of my days recovering from the work day by doing mindless activities like scrolling through social media or eating. It feels like every day is the same, a monotonous loop. The thing is I feel like I’d love to hangout with other ppl who r also boring lmao. I have a deep, deep desire for friendship, and companionship, and maybe romance. It’s simple, it’s classic, and I love the way Bruce Springsteen sings it in Thunder Road. In 10 years, are you going to feel like you’ve grown out of loving the person she is? Will she grow into a person you’re more fulfilled by? Don’t marry someone just because you’re comfortable. I don't need daily sex or weekly parties/datenights like we used to do. I should also mention that none of this is related to being stuck at home right now, this is just a general feeling I've had for a while now Nov 16, 2023 · Even when talking to guys i struggle with keeping them interested or carrying a convo just cause i feel like i have nothing to talk about. I sense that she's… Better than I am for sure. I'm putting the blame on myself because she's not the only girl to make me feel boring. It's like you open your true self, not perfect but true. Sometimes it's not enough just to have someone agree with your plans, you want them to encourage and invest in making some too. Other days, like yesterday, I feel like I'm the friend everyone forgets/is annoyed by, that I'm not worthy of love or stuff like that, which eventually leads to "I genuinely want to jump off a bridge". Most of the times she doesn't wanna talk about it or she starts crying and then I feel guilty. If others can't see that, then that's their loss. Whatever you think "falling hard" is, it's not. Nope. 16 votes, 10 comments. She also mentioned that she feels more comfortable talking For example, I don’t think I’m that boring when I’m by myself chilling. Hey. Sometimes I feel like I am a boring conversationalist. I feel like I connect better with other people. Again, I like being boring, and I don't want to change. I don't know. But i'm only 20 and now is the time to be young and instead I feel like a 50 year old married dude. Some girls will still like a certain style of boys, so ain't much you can do about it, unless you plan to change your personality constantly for every single girl you have a crush on. When it feels like I'm constantly trying to find topics to talk about and there is only a small answer with little room for more conversation. Half a year ago my girlfriend broke up with me, so I started to work out, read some books about charisma, and self-improvement etc. Communication really helped the relationship better. So I texted her just to say that it feels like she's not very interested in me because she hasn't asked me a thing about myself, but that if I'm misinterpreting things, she should let me know. But she is kind of trying. However, you shouldn't feel like there's something wrong with you, you're amazing and fun in your own way. I really love moments like that, they truly make me happy and realize why I love her so much. She only wants to have sex missionary. So, chin up. When you really love someone it’s not “boring”, it’s serene. I feel so much better after reading all of these responses and they are really getting me through it. All the dating sites are full of girls who want to date fun guys. She hasn't spoken to me in 2 days. I've been called boring because I'm a guy 20 year old who doesn't like partying, drinking, going out too often, etc. My girlfriend and I have been dating for almost 2 years now and while I really do love her, she's become a bit boring to talk to. Both times were pretty nasty. Live in the moment. Like she got horny for me and wanted to get me into bed with her. I still go through this with my lady too. Let it take over you. The only activity we have in common is watching movies and TV shows, and sometimes I feel like that's not enough. I hadn't even kissed a girl till I met my gf about a year ago and now it seems that the worrying I did before uni was pointless and I feel like it was more important that I had memories with friends rather than relationships. Your feelings are being reciprocated. I understand that the obvious choice would be to break up with this girl but honestly I don't want to. The other 10% was the above mentioned feeling of "but I want my time to go how I choose reeeeee". This desire is really new in me, because I only got my OCD under control at like, age 28. And I feel like this makes me boring to be around. I am overly nice and most people find that boring or just plain annoying. Gut health is so important. Unless I find a girl who's as crazy mad of a PC gamer like me but I feel that ain't gonna happen so I just don't bother. I feel we connect on an emotional level, and I feel a comfort and acceptance from her I can't describe. I'm completely unable to make or maintain conversation, and they just keep trying to ignore it and carry on talking to me. Half way through season 1 it becomes painfully obvious wich girl is going to win, and that drained all the fun from the show for me. I feel like I am a funny person but I think I am just too nice and not that interesting. What bothers me is my inability of doing something that most people seem to do so easily and effortlessly. I don't know if I'm in a rut or what but its been 7 years and it just feels like we're best friends with benefits to help horniness. But trust me, boring is a lot better than an exciting headache. I feel like there are no guys I’m in interested in right now and that feeling is so upsetting. But I think we just genuinely have different personalities and our relationship feels more like a room mates that have sex situation. That feeling might become very uncomfortable soon and stunting when you want to develop more but are uninspired by your partner. She won't give a blowjob and she won't give a handjob. 👸🏻 I would have never looked twice at him when I was your age, but now I am so grateful to have him. I broke with my ex girlfriend about 8 month ago and now I feel I want to be alone cause I’m enjoying myself in my free time like playing video games or talking with friends. I’m also not a big fan of long texts. Like, I can't really share this side of myself with her. rzpyz gbun hohx ivgm bnfvqr ncxz lerl heonbu xotil ghsccl